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Roofing Contractors > Indiana Roofers

Indiana Roofing Contractors

Choose an Indiana municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Indiana roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Indianian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in IN.

There are 921 Roofing Contractors in the State of Indiana (IN).
Bloomington (14 locations) Hammond (14 locations) Muncie (18 locations)
Columbus (15 locations) Indianapolis (134 locations) Noblesville (10 locations)
Evansville (20 locations) Jeffersonville (12 locations) South Bend (19 locations)
Fort Wayne (39 locations) Kokomo (10 locations) Terre Haute (15 locations)
Greenwood (10 locations) Lafayette (18 locations) Valparaiso (16 locations)
Albion (1 location) Goshen (7 locations) North Liberty (1 location)
Amboy (1 location) Granger (2 locations) North Manchester (1 location)
Anderson (10 locations) Greencastle (3 locations) North Salem (1 location)
Andrews (1 location) Greendale (1 location) North Vernon (2 locations)
Argos (2 locations) Greenfield (2 locations) North Webster (1 location)
Auburn (6 locations) Greentown (1 location) Oldenburg (1 location)
Aurora (1 location) Greenville (1 location) Osceola (6 locations)
Austin (1 location) Guilford (1 location) Ossian (3 locations)
Avilla (1 location) Harlan (1 location) Palmyra (2 locations)
Avon (6 locations) Hartford City (4 locations) Pekin (2 locations)
Batesville (5 locations) Haubstadt (2 locations) Pendleton (3 locations)
Bedford (3 locations) Hebron (1 location) Peru (3 locations)
Beech Grove (2 locations) Highland (1 location) Pierceton (2 locations)
Bennington (1 location) Hoagland (1 location) Pine Village (1 location)
Berne (1 location) Hobart (6 locations) Plainfield (2 locations)
Bloomfield (1 location) Holland (1 location) Pleasant Lake (1 location)
Bluffton (2 locations) Hope (2 locations) Plymouth (3 locations)
Boonville (3 locations) Howe (2 locations) Poland (2 locations)
Borden (2 locations) Huntingburg (1 location) Portage (6 locations)
Bourbon (1 location) Huntington (3 locations) Portland (1 location)
Brazil (4 locations) Ingalls (1 location) Princeton (1 location)
Bremen (1 location) Jamestown (1 location) Ramsey (1 location)
Bristol (1 location) Jasonville (1 location) Rensselaer (1 location)
Brook (1 location) Jasper (3 locations) Reynolds (2 locations)
Brookston (1 location) Kendallville (1 location) Richland (1 location)
Brookville (4 locations) Kentland (1 location) Richmond (10 locations)
Brownsburg (3 locations) Kingman (1 location) Ridgeville (2 locations)
Bryant (1 location) Knox (4 locations) Rising Sun (2 locations)
Camby (1 location) Kouts (2 locations) Roachdale (1 location)
Camden (1 location) La Fontaine (1 location) Roanoke (1 location)
Carmel (10 locations) La Porte (8 locations) Rochester (4 locations)
Cedar Lake (1 location) Lagrange (2 locations) Rome City (1 location)
Charlestown (4 locations) Lake Station (1 location) Rosedale (1 location)
Chesterton (1 location) Lakeville (2 locations) Royal Center (1 location)
Churubusco (1 location) Laurel (1 location) Rushville (2 locations)
Clarksville (2 locations) Lawrenceburg (3 locations) Saint Joe (1 location)
Clay City (1 location) Lebanon (2 locations) Saint John (2 locations)
Claypool (4 locations) Leesburg (1 location) Saint Paul (1 location)
Clinton (2 locations) Leo (1 location) Salem (6 locations)
Cloverdale (1 location) Lexington (1 location) Sandford (1 location)
Coatesville (1 location) Linton (1 location) Schererville (2 locations)
Columbia City (3 locations) Logansport (5 locations) Scottsburg (2 locations)
Connersville (3 locations) Loogootee (1 location) Sellersburg (3 locations)
Corydon (2 locations) Lowell (1 location) Selma (2 locations)
Covington (2 locations) Madison (6 locations) Seymour (4 locations)
Crawfordsville (6 locations) Marion (5 locations) Sharpsville (2 locations)
Cromwell (1 location) Markle (1 location) Shelbyville (5 locations)
Crown Point (7 locations) Martinsville (5 locations) Shipshewana (1 location)
Cutler (1 location) Medora (1 location) Sims (1 location)
Danville (1 location) Memphis (1 location) Solsberry (1 location)
Dayton (1 location) Merrillville (7 locations) South Whitley (2 locations)
Decatur (1 location) Metamora (1 location) Spencer (2 locations)
Delphi (1 location) Michigan City (7 locations) Springville (2 locations)
Demotte (3 locations) Middlebury (4 locations) Sunman (1 location)
Dyer (7 locations) Middletown (1 location) Sweetser (1 location)
Edinburgh (1 location) Milford (3 locations) Syracuse (2 locations)
Elizabeth (1 location) Millersburg (1 location) Tell City (1 location)
Elkhart (10 locations) Milroy (1 location) Tippecanoe (1 location)
Ellettsville (4 locations) Mishawaka (10 locations) Tipton (3 locations)
Elnora (1 location) Monon (1 location) Trafalgar (2 locations)
Elwood (5 locations) Montezuma (1 location) Vevay (2 locations)
Fairland (4 locations) Montgomery (1 location) Wabash (2 locations)
Fairmount (2 locations) Monticello (6 locations) Wakarusa (1 location)
Ferdinand (1 location) Moores Hill (2 locations) Walkerton (3 locations)
Fillmore (2 locations) Mooresville (5 locations) Warren (1 location)
Fishers (8 locations) Morristown (1 location) Warsaw (6 locations)
Floyds Knobs (4 locations) Munster (5 locations) Washington (1 location)
Fort Branch (1 location) Nappanee (2 locations) Wawaka (1 location)
Fortville (4 locations) Nashville (1 location) West Harrison (1 location)
Fountain City (1 location) New Albany (9 locations) West Lafayette (1 location)
Frankfort (4 locations) New Carlisle (3 locations) West Terre Haute (1 location)
Franklin (3 locations) New Castle (5 locations) Westpoint (1 location)
Freedom (2 locations) New Haven (5 locations) Wheatfield (3 locations)
Gary (7 locations) New Palestine (1 location) Whiteland (1 location)
Gas City (1 location) New Paris (2 locations) Whitestown (1 location)
Gaston (1 location) Newburgh (3 locations) Worthington (1 location)
Georgetown (1 location) North Judson (1 location) Zionsville (3 locations)
Indiana Roofing Contractors by County:
Adams County (2) Harrison County (6) Parke County (2)
Allen County (47) Hendricks County (13) Perry County (1)
Bartholomew County (17) Henry County (6) Porter County (26)
Blackford County (4) Howard County (11) Putnam County (8)
Boone County (7) Huntington County (6) Randolph County (2)
Brown County (1) Jackson County (5) Ripley County (6)
Carroll County (3) Jasper County (7) Rush County (3)
Cass County (6) Jay County (2) Scott County (4)
Clark County (24) Jefferson County (6) Shelby County (10)
Clay County (5) Jennings County (2) Spencer County (1)
Clinton County (4) Johnson County (17) St. Joseph County (46)
Daviess County (3) Kosciusko County (19) Starke County (5)
Dearborn County (9) Lagrange County (5) Steuben County (1)
Decatur County (1) Lake County (61) Switzerland County (3)
Dekalb County (7) Laporte County (15) Tippecanoe County (21)
Delaware County (21) Lawrence County (5) Tipton County (5)
Dubois County (6) Madison County (19) Vanderburgh County (20)
Elkhart County (28) Marion County (133) Vermillion County (2)
Fayette County (3) Marshall County (8) Vigo County (17)
Floyd County (15) Martin County (1) Wabash County (4)
Fountain County (3) Miami County (4) Warren County (1)
Franklin County (7) Monroe County (18) Warrick County (6)
Fulton County (4) Montgomery County (6) Washington County (8)
Gibson County (4) Morgan County (11) Wayne County (11)
Grant County (10) Newton County (2) Wells County (6)
Greene County (5) Noble County (6) White County (10)
Hamilton County (31) Ohio County (2) Whitley County (6)
Hancock County (7) Owen County (6)

If an Indiana roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Indiana Roofing

Winter snows and summer rains can be hard on Indiana roofs so homeowners may want to partner with a contractor to make repairs and keep them in good condition. Once the snow has cleared, the roof should be inspected for damages caused by severe weather and repairs made to sections where wind, snow and ice may have compromised waterproof protection. A quick inspection can help identify minor issues before they become major repairs.

Indiana's Climate

Indiana has hot, humid summers and cool to cold winters with average summer daytime temperatures of 90 degrees, dropping to 60 degrees overnight. In the winter, daytime averages are generally above freezing except in the northern sections of the state. Overall, Indiana receives around 40 inches of rain and snow a year. In the spring and summer, the state can see some 40 to 50 days of thunderstorms (most common in March and April) as well as its share of tornadoes. Homeowners may want to take into consideration weather conditions when making roofing decisions.

Legal Issues And Complaints In Indiana

The Indiana consumer protection division of the Attorney General's Office recommends homeowners get a written contract prior to the start of any work. State law requires that all home improvement contracts exceeding $150 be in writing. Consumers can search for complaints against specific contractors on the Attorney General's website.

Indiana And Energy Efficient Roofs

ENERGY STAR lists three roofing partners in Indiana that provide energy efficient roofs. The Firestone Building Products Co. manufactures AcryliTop, a liquid coating that can be applied to almost any roofing surface to increase solar reflectance. GenFlex Roofing Systems produces the TPO Cool Roof system, which keeps the roof temperature lower than traditional roofing materials. The Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp. makes Cool Metal Roofing, which allows the roofing surface to remain cooler and transfer less heat into the building.

Unusual ArchitectureIin Indiana

The Lake County Courthouse, better known as the "Grand Old Lady," provides an example of design, combining various styles, here Romanesque and Georgian. A modern example of interesting Indiana architecture can be found in Eero Saarinen's North Christian Church in Columbus.