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Hanson Roof Tiles

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Hanson Roof Tile, Inc. specializes in concrete roofing tiles. They primarily serve the American Southwest and the state of Florida. They custom-blend colors to create unique unique looks. Their products include:

  • Regal -- A typical southwestern adobe barrel style
  • Hacienda -- Also adobe style, but narrower and longer
  • Weathered Shake -- Manufactured to imitate the look of a worn wooden shake
  • Slate -- Weathered-looking tiles with color striations
  • Olde World Slate -- Flat slate tile applied in several color combinations
  • Everwest -- Longish, narrow, somewhat weathered-looking tile
  • Victorian Shake -- Square earth-tone tiles with appearance of water marking
  • Venetian -- Another rolled tile in brighter tones


In 2000, Hanson PLC added Pioneer Roofing Tile to its group of companies, thanks to their solid reputation for manufacturing concrete roof tiles. Hanson PLC manufactures and sells brick and other composite building products. The ensuing company is known as Hanson Roof Tile, Inc. Their products are sold in Arizona, Nevada, California, Colorado, Florida, and Texas.


Hanson tiles come with a limited 50-year product warranty. As with any product, be sure you understand all of its warranty terms and conditions before purchasing.

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Contacting Hanson

Phone: 800-411-TILE (8453)


Hanson Roof Tiles 1340 S.W. 34th Avenue
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442