Free Flow Gutter Guards
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The Free Flow Gutter Guard is a simple and reasonable way to keep material out of your gutter. It's a two-piece system that excludes debris better than simple mesh can. It's particularly good for gutters that need to move a high volume of water during heavy storms.
About Free Flow
Free Flow is a simple aluminum gutter guard. It uses two pieces. One lies on the top of the gutter and keeps the water off; the other curves around and has a lip at the edge. Water drips into the lip then slides back into the gutter; it goes on to flow through the gutter normally. Other debris slides off the top. The opening is 1/2" wide, which means that some leaves and leaf matter will still get through but the gutter guard is designed to accept a high volume of water.
Homeowners can install Free Flow gutter guards themselves. This process involves cleaning the gutters, perhaps for the last time; placing inside miters at locations that are likely to receive heavy water flow; and placing endcaps at the edges and corners of the gutter.
Free Flow comes in five different colors: white, brown, almond, black, and clay. The product is made from 0.024-gauge aluminum.
High Flow
GutterSupply also manufactures the High Flow Gutter Guard, "the gutter guard relative of Free Flow Gutter Guard." This product allows more water through and fits onto larger gutters and K-style gutters.
Company Information
FreeFlow gutter guards are sold online from a website called This website is owned by the Rain Trade Corporation.
Rain Trade Corporation operates out of Lake Bluff, IL. The company was founded in 1999 and generates annual revenue of between five and ten million dollars. The business employs about 17 employees.
Rain Trade, Inc.
19 Skokie Valley Rd.
Lake Bluff, IL 60044-1816