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GutterBrush Gutter Guards

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Gutter guards are a simple and useful technology for keeping junk out of gutters. The basic idea of a gutter guard is that it lets rain pass through and into the gutter, while causing leaves and other debris to slide off. The GutterBrush Gutter Guard is a new take on this old concept.

What's a GutterBrush?

The GutterBrush is a cylindrical brushy material that lies directly in the gutter. Water moves through it; large objects do not because they are directly obstructed by it. Unlike most gutter guards, this product leaves no room in the gutter for leaves. It sits directly inside. Consequently, it can accumulate leaves in the brush at the top. The company suggests that most of these will decompose or blow away.

Installing the product is fairly simple. Clean the gutters and then put the brush inside of them. It bends around corners and doesn't need to attach to anything directly.

GutterBrush Guys

The company that makes GutterBrush Gutter Guard is called GutterBrush Guys, Ltd. They are located in Strongsville, OH.

The company began when homeowner Bob Schreiber, left an old brush in the gutter of his cabin. When he returned to the scene next year, he noticed that the brush had kept debris out of that portion of gutter. The GutterBrush product is a patented extrapolation of this accidental invention.

The company was established in 2004 and focused its initial efforts primarily in Ohio and Rhode Island. It has since grown larger and expanded within United States and internationally. It has an annual sales value of over half a million dollars.


Homeowners can return GutterBrush within one year of purchase if it doesn't work. The returned item will still be subject to a 20% restocking fee.

Contact Information

GutterBrush Guys, Ltd.
15200 Foltz Parkway
Strongsville, OH 44149

Phone: (888) 397-9433