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Paradigm Shingles

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Product Lines

Paradigm Shingles sells Bennington Copper Shingles for use on any type of building, including residential. Paradigm claims that its shingles withstand heavy weather conditions, including 110 mph winds and eight inches of rain per hour. The shingles have a class "A" fire rating.


Paradigm Shingles, Inc. is a licensed distributor for Revere Copper Products, Inc. and sells the Bennington brand. The Bennington Shingle was the discovery of Paradigm's sister company, Vulcan Supply Corporation. All of Paradigm's products are manufactured at their Vermont site.

Shingle Warranty

Bennington Copper Shingles are warranted for 50 years.

As with any product, be sure you fully understand all terms and conditions of the warranty before purchase.

Roof Repair

How to Contact Paradigm

Phone: 877-674-4645


Paradigm Shingles, Inc.
P.O. Box 27PO Box 27
Milton, VT 05468