Berridge Shingles
Write a review of Berridge shinglesBerridge Manufacturing Co. makes architectural metal panels and shingles for commercial and residential applications. Berridge uses a unique patented process that presses metal sheets into a series of folds and patterns. In large, commercial applications, panels can be formed to the proper degree of curvature needed to roof any building.
Corporate History
Berridge Manufacturing Co. was founded in 1970 by Jack Berridge, a graduate of California Polytechical Institute. In 1986, Berridge developed a unique process for fabricating both flat and curved panels of metal on a jobsite. Today, the company manufactures and licenses ten lines of rollforming machinery, in addition to its roofing products. The company has seven manufacturing facilities and distributes its products across the world.
Berridge categorizes its roofing products in part by the seaming process. Its roofing products for commercial and residential applications include: Cee-Lock Standing Seam Roof Panel; Curved, Compound Curved and Tapered Tee-Panel; Standing Seam Zee-Lock; and Batten Seam Panel.
Berridge shingles for residential applications include the S-Tile System, Classic Shingle, Victorian Shingle, Rustic Shake Shingle and Fish Scale Shingle.
Berridge shingles are made of metal, usually Galvalume or galvanized steel. Individual patterns are stamped onto the shingles. The shingles imitate the appearance of standard shingles, but are lighter, long-lasting, and algae- and fire-resistant, according to the manufacturer. The company also notes that many of its product include high level of recycled materials and lower the heat island effect.
Roof Repair
Contacting Berridge
6515 Fratt Road
San Antonio, TX 78218
Phone: (800) 231-8127
Warranties for Berridge shingles vary slightly by shingle type. In general, the shingles are warranted for up to 20 years against corrosion, rupture or perforation. Twenty-year paint warranties also are available. To qualify for any guarantees against water damage, the shingles must be installed by a Berridge-approved company.
Review your product warranty carefully to make sure you understand the terms.