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Roofing Contractors > Iowa Roofers

Iowa Roofing Contractors

Choose an Iowa municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Iowa roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Iowan roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in IA.

There are 541 Roofing Contractors in the State of Iowa (IA).
Ames (7 locations) Davenport (16 locations) Marshalltown (6 locations)
Bettendorf (6 locations) Des Moines (45 locations) Mason City (7 locations)
Cedar Rapids (21 locations) Dubuque (15 locations) Sioux City (17 locations)
Clinton (10 locations) Fort Dodge (10 locations) Waterloo (9 locations)
Council Bluffs (15 locations) Kalona (6 locations) Winterset (7 locations)
Ackworth (1 location) Grimes (4 locations) Otho (1 location)
Adair (1 location) Grinnell (1 location) Ottumwa (1 location)
Ainsworth (1 location) Grundy Center (1 location) Palo (1 location)
Albert City (1 location) Guttenberg (1 location) Panama (1 location)
Albia (2 locations) Hampton (1 location) Panora (1 location)
Alburnett (1 location) Harlan (3 locations) Parkersburg (2 locations)
Alden (1 location) Hartley (1 location) Pella (3 locations)
Algona (1 location) Hawkeye (1 location) Peosta (1 location)
Alton (1 location) Hazleton (1 location) Perry (1 location)
Altoona (2 locations) Henderson (1 location) Pleasant Hill (2 locations)
Anamosa (2 locations) Hinton (1 location) Pleasantville (1 location)
Ankeny (4 locations) Holy Cross (1 location) Polk City (4 locations)
Anthon (1 location) Hopkinton (1 location) Postville (1 location)
Aplington (1 location) Hospers (1 location) Prairie City (1 location)
Atlantic (4 locations) Hull (2 locations) Princeton (2 locations)
Aurora (1 location) Ida Grove (2 locations) Red Oak (1 location)
Bancroft (1 location) Independence (2 locations) Riverdale (1 location)
Bellevue (1 location) Indianola (2 locations) Riverside (1 location)
Bloomfield (3 locations) Iowa City (5 locations) Robins (1 location)
Blue Grass (1 location) Iowa Falls (3 locations) Rock Rapids (1 location)
Bondurant (1 location) Ireton (1 location) Rock Valley (1 location)
Boone (2 locations) Jefferson (2 locations) Runnells (2 locations)
Braddyville (1 location) Jesup (2 locations) Rutland (1 location)
Brooklyn (2 locations) Jewell (1 location) Saint Charles (2 locations)
Burlington (5 locations) Kelley (2 locations) Sanborn (1 location)
Calmar (1 location) Keokuk (4 locations) Schleswig (1 location)
Calumet (1 location) Keosauqua (1 location) Sheldon (2 locations)
Carlisle (4 locations) Kinross (1 location) Shell Rock (1 location)
Carroll (1 location) Kiron (1 location) Shenandoah (2 locations)
Carter Lake (1 location) Klemme (1 location) Sibley (1 location)
Cascade (1 location) Knoxville (4 locations) Sidney (1 location)
Cedar Falls (4 locations) Ladora (1 location) Smithland (1 location)
Centerville (1 location) Lake Park (2 locations) South English (1 location)
Charles City (3 locations) Lamoni (1 location) Spencer (3 locations)
Cherokee (1 location) Larchwood (1 location) Spirit Lake (2 locations)
Clarinda (1 location) Le Mars (1 location) State Center (1 location)
Clarksville (1 location) Leon (2 locations) Storm Lake (1 location)
Clear Lake (3 locations) Letts (1 location) Story City (2 locations)
Cleghorn (1 location) Lewis (1 location) Strawberry Point (1 location)
Clive (1 location) Lidderdale (1 location) Stuart (1 location)
Colfax (1 location) Liscomb (1 location) Sutherland (1 location)
Columbus Junction (1 location) Lockridge (1 location) Swan (1 location)
Coon Rapids (1 location) Logan (3 locations) Tama (1 location)
Coralville (1 location) Lowden (1 location) Tipton (2 locations)
Crescent (1 location) Luzerne (1 location) Titonka (1 location)
Cresco (1 location) Madrid (1 location) Treynor (1 location)
Creston (1 location) Malvern (2 locations) Tripoli (1 location)
Dallas Center (1 location) Manchester (1 location) Urbandale (5 locations)
De Witt (1 location) Maquoketa (2 locations) Victor (2 locations)
Decorah (2 locations) Marengo (1 location) Vinton (3 locations)
Delmar (1 location) Marion (5 locations) Walford (1 location)
Denison (2 locations) Massena (1 location) Wapello (1 location)
Donahue (1 location) Maurice (1 location) Washburn (1 location)
Dunlap (1 location) Maxwell (1 location) Washington (1 location)
Durant (1 location) Mc Gregor (1 location) Waterville (1 location)
Eagle Grove (2 locations) Mechanicsville (1 location) Waukee (2 locations)
Eldora (1 location) Minden (1 location) Waukon (2 locations)
Eldridge (4 locations) Montezuma (2 locations) Waverly (1 location)
Elk Horn (1 location) Mount Pleasant (1 location) Wayland (1 location)
Elkhart (1 location) Mount Vernon (2 locations) Webster City (2 locations)
Ely (1 location) Muscatine (6 locations) Wellman (1 location)
Emerson (1 location) Nashua (2 locations) West Branch (3 locations)
Epworth (1 location) New Virginia (2 locations) West Des Moines (6 locations)
Estherville (1 location) Newton (3 locations) West Liberty (1 location)
Exira (1 location) Nichols (1 location) West Union (2 locations)
Fairfield (3 locations) North English (1 location) Westfield (1 location)
Forest City (1 location) North Liberty (4 locations) What Cheer (1 location)
Fostoria (1 location) Norwalk (2 locations) Wheatland (1 location)
Garner (1 location) Ogden (1 location) Whiting (1 location)
George (1 location) Okoboji (3 locations) Whittemore (1 location)
Gilmore City (1 location) Orange City (2 locations) Woodbine (2 locations)
Glenwood (2 locations) Oskaloosa (2 locations) Zearing (1 location)
Granger (1 location) Ossian (2 locations)
Iowa Roofing Contractors by County:
Adair County (1) Fayette County (3) Marion County (9)
Allamakee County (4) Floyd County (3) Marshall County (8)
Appanoose County (1) Franklin County (1) Mills County (6)
Audubon County (1) Fremont County (1) Monona County (1)
Benton County (5) Greene County (2) Monroe County (2)
Black Hawk County (14) Grundy County (1) Montgomery County (1)
Boone County (4) Guthrie County (2) Muscatine County (8)
Bremer County (2) Hamilton County (3) o'brien County (6)
Buchanan County (6) Hancock County (2) Osceola County (1)
Buena Vista County (2) Hardin County (5) Page County (4)
Butler County (5) Harrison County (6) Plymouth County (3)
Carroll County (3) Henry County (2) Polk County (77)
Cass County (6) Howard County (1) Pottawattamie County (19)
Cedar County (8) Humboldt County (2) Poweshiek County (5)
Cerro Gordo County (10) Ida County (2) Scott County (31)
Cherokee County (2) Iowa County (5) Shelby County (5)
Chickasaw County (2) Jackson County (3) Sioux County (9)
Clay County (4) Jasper County (5) Story County (13)
Clayton County (3) Jefferson County (4) Tama County (1)
Clinton County (13) Johnson County (10) Union County (1)
Crawford County (4) Jones County (2) Van Buren County (1)
Dallas County (5) Keokuk County (3) Wapello County (1)
Davis County (3) Kossuth County (4) Warren County (11)
Decatur County (3) Lee County (4) Washington County (10)
Delaware County (2) Linn County (32) Webster County (11)
Des Moines County (5) Louisa County (3) Winnebago County (1)
Dickinson County (7) Lyon County (3) Winneshiek County (5)
Dubuque County (19) Madison County (9) Woodbury County (19)
Emmet County (1) Mahaska County (2) Wright County (2)

If an Iowa roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Iowa Roofing

A good roof may last up to 100 years if properly installed and maintained. While many factors may influence roof quality and longevity, the contractor one selects is among the most important. A trustworthy and experienced roofing contractor remains the first essential step towards insuring one of a home's most costly and important features. In Iowa, there are resources available to help a homeowner make roofing decisions.

Licensure in Iowa

The State of Iowa requires that construction professionals, both individuals and businesses, register with the Division of Labor. A professional is defined as anyone who earns more than $2,000 per year performing construction related work. In order to be eligible for licensure, contractors must be in compliance with state laws, and must carry current workers compensation insurance. The State of Iowa offers additional certification as a steep-slope roofing installer and/or a low-slope roofing installer.

Typical Iowa Climate

In the heart of the Midwest, Iowa sees some extreme weather. Temperatures swing greatly between seasons, carrying an average low temperature of 10° in the winter, and 86° in the summer. Des Moines, the state capital, typically receives 34.7 inches of rain, 30 inches of snow, and average relative humidity of 72%. A good quality roof is necessary for protecting homes from the moisture and temperatures commonly found in Iowa.

Roofing Problems to Watch

Leaking and moisture retention stand at the top of the list of common roofing problems. Leaks typically spring from small, hard to detect cracks in the roof. It is best to consult a certified roofing professional to inspect early, as water may collect in hard-to-see places, causing extensive and costly damage. Further, it is important that the roof and soffit systems are properly vented. This prevents both over-heating and the collection of moisture, two issues that tend to diminish the lifespan of a roof.

Holding Contractors Accountable

The Labor Commissioner and the Division of Labor Services of the Department of Workforce Development hold jurisdiction over contractor licensing. Each registered contractor receives an individual identifying public registration number once properly certified. These agencies may help, should you need to report a problem, or wish to obtain current information.