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Roofing Contractors > Kansas Roofers

Kansas Roofing Contractors

Choose a Kansas municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Kansas roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Kansan roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in KS.

There are 486 Roofing Contractors in the State of Kansas (KS).
Derby (6 locations) Lenexa (11 locations) Salina (15 locations)
Great Bend (8 locations) Liberal (5 locations) Shawnee (7 locations)
Hutchinson (14 locations) Olathe (28 locations) Shawnee Mission (14 locations)
Kansas City (26 locations) Overland Park (11 locations) Topeka (26 locations)
Lawrence (15 locations) Pratt (5 locations) Wichita (86 locations)
Americus (1 location) Gardner (4 locations) Natoma (1 location)
Andover (3 locations) Garnett (2 locations) Newton (4 locations)
Antonino (1 location) Glen Elder (1 location) Nickerson (1 location)
Arkansas City (3 locations) Goddard (3 locations) Osawatomie (2 locations)
Arma (1 location) Goodland (1 location) Osborne (1 location)
Atwood (2 locations) Hardtner (2 locations) Oskaloosa (1 location)
Augusta (5 locations) Harper (1 location) Ottawa (2 locations)
Baldwin City (1 location) Hays (5 locations) Paola (3 locations)
Bazine (1 location) Haysville (1 location) Park City (3 locations)
Bel Aire (2 locations) Herington (1 location) Parsons (1 location)
Belle Plaine (1 location) Hiawatha (2 locations) Perry (3 locations)
Belleville (1 location) Hill City (1 location) Pittsburg (1 location)
Bird City (1 location) Holton (1 location) Pleasanton (1 location)
Bonner Springs (3 locations) Hugoton (3 locations) Prairie Village (2 locations)
Brookville (3 locations) Independence (4 locations) Robinson (1 location)
Bucyrus (1 location) Iola (1 location) Russell (2 locations)
Buhler (1 location) Jamestown (1 location) Scott City (2 locations)
Burns (1 location) Junction City (1 location) Scranton (1 location)
Chapman (1 location) Kechi (1 location) Spring Hill (3 locations)
Cheney (1 location) Lacygne (1 location) Stark (1 location)
Cherokee (1 location) Lakin (1 location) Stilwell (3 locations)
Chetopa (1 location) Lancaster (1 location) Sublette (2 locations)
Clay Center (2 locations) Lansing (1 location) Tampa (1 location)
Coffeyville (3 locations) Larned (1 location) Tecumseh (1 location)
Colby (1 location) Leavenworth (4 locations) Tonganoxie (2 locations)
Colwich (2 locations) Leawood (3 locations) Troy (1 location)
Concordia (1 location) Lindsborg (1 location) Tyro (1 location)
De Soto (1 location) Louisburg (2 locations) Ulysses (1 location)
Delia (1 location) Lyons (1 location) Valley Center (2 locations)
Dodge City (3 locations) Maize (3 locations) Valley Falls (1 location)
Edgerton (2 locations) Manhattan (5 locations) Victoria (1 location)
Edwardsville (2 locations) Mc Louth (1 location) Wakarusa (1 location)
El Dorado (5 locations) McPherson (1 location) Wakefield (3 locations)
Emporia (4 locations) Merriam (3 locations) Wamego (2 locations)
Erie (2 locations) Minneapolis (1 location) Waverly (1 location)
Fort Scott (1 location) Moline (2 locations) Wellsville (3 locations)
Frontenac (1 location) Mound City (1 location) Westmoreland (1 location)
Galva (1 location) Mullinville (1 location) Westwood (1 location)
Garden City (4 locations) Mulvane (1 location) Winfield (2 locations)
Kansas Roofing Contractors by County:
Allen County (1) Geary County (1) Osage County (1)
Anderson County (2) Graham County (1) Osborne County (2)
Atchison County (1) Grant County (1) Ottawa County (1)
Barber County (2) Harper County (1) Pawnee County (1)
Barton County (8) Harvey County (4) Pottawatomie County (3)
Bourbon County (1) Haskell County (2) Pratt County (5)
Brown County (3) Jackson County (2) Rawlins County (2)
Butler County (13) Jefferson County (6) Reno County (16)
Cheyenne County (1) Johnson County (93) Republic County (1)
Clay County (5) Kearny County (1) Rice County (1)
Cloud County (2) Kiowa County (1) Riley County (5)
Coffey County (1) Labette County (2) Russell County (2)
Cowley County (5) Leavenworth County (7) Saline County (18)
Crawford County (4) Linn County (3) Scott County (2)
Dickinson County (2) Lyon County (5) Sedgwick County (111)
Doniphan County (1) Marion County (2) Seward County (5)
Douglas County (16) McPherson County (3) Shawnee County (28)
Elk County (2) Miami County (8) Sherman County (1)
Ellis County (7) Mitchell County (1) Stevens County (3)
Finney County (4) Montgomery County (8) Sumner County (1)
Ford County (3) Neosho County (3) Thomas County (1)
Franklin County (5) Ness County (1) Wyandotte County (31)

If a Kansas roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Kansas Roofing

There's no place like a home with a quality roof in Kansas. The famous tornado in The Wizard of Oz, and other harsh weather conditions in Kansas, means that homeowners must take extra care in selecting and maintaining a roof.

Natural Elements

Residents of Kansas experience heavy snowfall in the winter months and high winds or tornados in the spring and summer months. Precipitation ranges from about 30 inches in the wettest parts of the state to 16 inches in the west. Snowfall ranges from 36 inches in the northwest, to 11 inches in the southeast. Kansas lays claim to being the windiest city in the United States, with an average wind speed of 14 mph. In all seasons, the climate in Kansas stands as a significant variable in maximizing the longevity of any roof.

Common Issues

Leaking is one of the most common problems homeowners in Kansas encounter. Usually, leaks are first detected inside the house through the appearance of moisture, peeling paint or wallpaper, and discoloring of walls and ceilings. Cupped, torn or curled shingles are the most usual culprits behind a leaky roof. If you suspect you have a leak, consult a roofing contractor to assess and advise on appropriate repairs.


The State of Kansas does not license construction professionals at the state level, with the exception of those conducting asbestos abatement and water well drilling. Regulations relating to general construction, including roofing contractors, vary within each city and county.

How to Avoid Hiring a Bad Contractor

Because construction licensing is not regulated on a state level, homeowners must take extra precaution when hiring a roofing contractor. Before contracting work, contact your city's inspection division to obtain information on locally licensed workers. In addition, check that the professionals you consider do not have negative activities reported through the Better Business Bureau. It is always wise to obtain several bids before securing a contract, as well as references from previous clients. Call and speak with your contractor's references to verify that the work was completed as contracted with good results.