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Roofing Contractors > Michigan Roofers

Michigan Roofing Contractors

Choose a Michigan municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Michigan roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Michiganian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in MI.

There are 1248 Roofing Contractors in the State of Michigan (MI).
Ann Arbor (16 locations) Holland (12 locations) Saginaw (12 locations)
Clinton Township (18 locations) Howell (12 locations) Shelby Township (19 locations)
Detroit (27 locations) Kalamazoo (24 locations) Traverse City (16 locations)
Flint (14 locations) Lansing (20 locations) Warren (14 locations)
Grand Rapids (46 locations) Livonia (18 locations) Waterford (15 locations)
Adrian (6 locations) Galesburg (2 locations) Norton Shores (5 locations)
Alanson (1 location) Galien (1 location) Norway (1 location)
Algonac (1 location) Garden City (2 locations) Novi (2 locations)
Allegan (4 locations) Gaylord (2 locations) Oak Park (3 locations)
Allen Park (1 location) Gladstone (1 location) Okemos (2 locations)
Allendale (3 locations) Gobles (1 location) Olivet (1 location)
Alma (1 location) Goodrich (3 locations) Omer (1 location)
Alpena (4 locations) Grand Blanc (3 locations) Onaway (1 location)
Atlanta (1 location) Grand Haven (4 locations) Onekama (1 location)
Au Gres (1 location) Grand Junction (1 location) Orion (1 location)
Auburn (2 locations) Grand Ledge (5 locations) Ortonville (3 locations)
Auburn Hills (5 locations) Grandville (8 locations) Oscoda (3 locations)
Bailey (1 location) Grant (1 location) Ossineke (1 location)
Bangor (1 location) Grass Lake (2 locations) Otisville (3 locations)
Baroda (2 locations) Grawn (1 location) Otsego (1 location)
Bath (1 location) Grayling (2 locations) Ottawa Lake (4 locations)
Battle Creek (10 locations) Greenville (3 locations) Otter Lake (1 location)
Bay City (7 locations) Grosse Ile (1 location) Owosso (5 locations)
Bear Lake (1 location) Grosse Pointe (2 locations) Oxford (2 locations)
Beaverton (3 locations) Grosse Pointe Park (2 locations) Paw Paw (2 locations)
Belding (3 locations) Hamburg (1 location) Petersburg (3 locations)
Belleville (4 locations) Hamilton (5 locations) Petoskey (3 locations)
Bellevue (3 locations) Harbor Springs (2 locations) Pinckney (2 locations)
Belmont (2 locations) Harrison (2 locations) Pinconning (2 locations)
Benton Harbor (4 locations) Harrison Township (5 locations) Plainwell (2 locations)
Berrien Center (1 location) Harsens Island (2 locations) Plymouth (4 locations)
Berrien Springs (2 locations) Hart (1 location) Pontiac (4 locations)
Bessemer (1 location) Hartford (3 locations) Port Huron (6 locations)
Beulah (2 locations) Hartland (2 locations) Portage (9 locations)
Big Rapids (1 location) Haslett (2 locations) Portland (1 location)
Birch Run (4 locations) Hastings (4 locations) Potterville (1 location)
Birmingham (5 locations) Hazel Park (3 locations) Prescott (1 location)
Blanchard (2 locations) Hersey (1 location) Presque Isle (1 location)
Bloomfield (1 location) Hickory Corners (1 location) Quincy (3 locations)
Bloomfield Hills (4 locations) Highland (3 locations) Ravenna (1 location)
Boon (1 location) Hillsdale (1 location) Ray (1 location)
Boyne City (2 locations) Holly (3 locations) Redford (2 locations)
Branch (1 location) Holt (1 location) Reese (1 location)
Bridgeport (1 location) Honor (1 location) Richland (1 location)
Bridgman (2 locations) Houghton Lake (2 locations) Richmond (1 location)
Brighton (11 locations) Howard City (2 locations) Riverview (2 locations)
Brimley (1 location) Hubbardston (1 location) Rives Junction (1 location)
Brockway (1 location) Hudson (2 locations) Rochester Hills (11 locations)
Brown City (1 location) Hudsonville (5 locations) Rockford (5 locations)
Bruce Twp (2 locations) Huntington Woods (1 location) Rockwood (1 location)
Brunswick (1 location) Ida (1 location) Rodney (1 location)
Buckley (2 locations) Inkster (3 locations) Romulus (1 location)
Burlington (1 location) Ionia (3 locations) Roscommon (3 locations)
Burr Oak (1 location) Iron Mountain (3 locations) Rose City (1 location)
Burtchville (1 location) Iron River (2 locations) Roseville (8 locations)
Burton (6 locations) Ironwood (3 locations) Rothbury (1 location)
Byron Center (1 location) Ishpeming (2 locations) Royal Oak (6 locations)
Cadillac (3 locations) Ithaca (1 location) Saint Charles (1 location)
Calumet (1 location) Jackson (7 locations) Saint Clair Shores (8 locations)
Canton (9 locations) Jeddo (1 location) Saint Helen (1 location)
Caro (1 location) Jenison (8 locations) Saint Johns (1 location)
Casco (2 locations) Jonesville (3 locations) Saint Joseph (3 locations)
Caseville (1 location) Kawkawlin (2 locations) Saline (5 locations)
Cass City (1 location) Kimball (2 locations) Sand Lake (1 location)
Cassopolis (1 location) Kinde (1 location) Sandusky (1 location)
Cedar (1 location) Kingsford (1 location) Sanford (2 locations)
Cedar Springs (6 locations) Kingsley (3 locations) Saugatuck (1 location)
Central Lake (1 location) Laingsburg (3 locations) Sault Sainte Marie (6 locations)
Ceresco (2 locations) Lake (3 locations) Schoolcraft (2 locations)
Charlevoix (1 location) Lake Ann (1 location) Scotts (2 locations)
Charlotte (5 locations) Lake Odessa (1 location) Shelby (3 locations)
Cheboygan (4 locations) Lake Orion (7 locations) Shepherd (2 locations)
Chesaning (4 locations) Lakeview (2 locations) Six Lakes (1 location)
Chesterfield (7 locations) Lambertville (4 locations) South Haven (1 location)
Clare (1 location) Lanse (1 location) South Lyon (6 locations)
Clarklake (1 location) Lapeer (2 locations) South Rockwood (1 location)
Clarkston (3 locations) Lawton (3 locations) Southfield (5 locations)
Clawson (2 locations) Lennon (2 locations) Southgate (3 locations)
Clay (3 locations) Lenox (2 locations) Sparta (4 locations)
Clayton (1 location) Leonard (1 location) Spring Lake (3 locations)
Clio (8 locations) Lewiston (1 location) Springfield (1 location)
Coldwater (3 locations) Lincoln Park (3 locations) Stanton (1 location)
Columbiaville (1 location) Linden (2 locations) Stanwood (2 locations)
Commerce Township (5 locations) Linwood (1 location) Stephenson (1 location)
Comstock Park (1 location) Lowell (3 locations) Sterling Heights (9 locations)
Concord (2 locations) Ludington (3 locations) Sterling Hts (1 location)
Coopersville (2 locations) Lynn (1 location) Stevensville (1 location)
Corunna (3 locations) Macomb (9 locations) Stockbridge (3 locations)
Cottrellville (2 locations) Madison Heights (5 locations) Sturgis (2 locations)
Covert (1 location) Mancelona (2 locations) Swartz Creek (1 location)
Croswell (2 locations) Manchester (1 location) Sylvan Lake (1 location)
Daggett (1 location) Manistee (1 location) Tawas City (1 location)
Davisburg (1 location) Manitou Beach (1 location) Taylor (11 locations)
Davison (2 locations) Manton (2 locations) Tecumseh (3 locations)
Dearborn (2 locations) Marcellus (1 location) Temperance (6 locations)
Dearborn Heights (3 locations) Marion (1 location) Three Rivers (4 locations)
Decatur (1 location) Marlette (1 location) Trenton (4 locations)
Delton (2 locations) Marne (2 locations) Troy (10 locations)
Dewitt (1 location) Marquette (3 locations) Turner (1 location)
Dexter (3 locations) Marshall (2 locations) Twin Lake (1 location)
Dimondale (2 locations) Martin (1 location) Twining (1 location)
Dorr (3 locations) Marysville (1 location) Ubly (1 location)
Dowagiac (3 locations) Mason (6 locations) Unionville (1 location)
Dowling (2 locations) Mattawan (2 locations) Vassar (4 locations)
Dryden (1 location) Maybee (1 location) Vermontville (1 location)
Durand (1 location) Melvin (1 location) Vicksburg (4 locations)
East China (1 location) Melvindale (1 location) Walkerville (1 location)
East Detroit (1 location) Memphis (1 location) Walled Lake (1 location)
East Lansing (1 location) Menominee (1 location) Walloon Lake (1 location)
Eastpointe (2 locations) Mesick (1 location) Washington (7 locations)
Eaton Rapids (2 locations) Metamora (3 locations) Watervliet (1 location)
Eau Claire (2 locations) Michigan Center (2 locations) Wayland (3 locations)
Edwardsburg (1 location) Middleville (3 locations) Wayne (1 location)
Erie (1 location) Midland (8 locations) Webberville (1 location)
Escanaba (3 locations) Milan (6 locations) West Bloomfield (2 locations)
Essexville (2 locations) Millington (1 location) West Olive (1 location)
Evart (1 location) Minden City (1 location) Westland (8 locations)
Farmington (1 location) Monroe (2 locations) White Lake (5 locations)
Farmington Hills (7 locations) Montrose (1 location) Whitehall (2 locations)
Farwell (1 location) Mount Clemens (5 locations) Whitmore Lake (5 locations)
Fennville (2 locations) Mount Morris (2 locations) Whittemore (1 location)
Fenton (7 locations) Mount Pleasant (3 locations) Williamsburg (2 locations)
Ferndale (2 locations) Muskegon (9 locations) Williamston (3 locations)
Flat Rock (1 location) Mussey (1 location) Willis (1 location)
Flushing (8 locations) Nadeau (1 location) Wixom (1 location)
Fort Gratiot (4 locations) Nashville (1 location) Wolverine (1 location)
Fowler (1 location) New Boston (1 location) Woodhaven (1 location)
Fowlerville (4 locations) New Buffalo (1 location) Wyandotte (4 locations)
Fraser (5 locations) Newaygo (4 locations) Wyoming (8 locations)
Freeland (2 locations) Niles (2 locations) Ypsilanti (6 locations)
Freeport (1 location) North Branch (1 location) Zeeland (9 locations)
Fremont (1 location) Northville (3 locations)
Michigan Roofing Contractors by County:
Allegan County (22) Gogebic County (4) Midland County (10)
Alpena County (5) Grand Traverse County (22) Monroe County (29)
Antrim County (3) Gratiot County (2) Montcalm County (9)
Arenac County (4) Hillsdale County (4) Montmorency County (2)
Baraga County (1) Houghton County (1) Muskegon County (20)
Barry County (14) Huron County (3) Newaygo County (6)
Bay County (16) Ingham County (25) Oakland County (137)
Benzie County (4) Ionia County (9) Oceana County (6)
Berrien County (22) Iosco County (5) Ogemaw County (2)
Branch County (6) Iron County (2) Osceola County (3)
Calhoun County (16) Isabella County (7) Otsego County (2)
Cass County (6) Jackson County (15) Ottawa County (49)
Charlevoix County (4) Kalamazoo County (44) Presque Isle County (2)
Cheboygan County (5) Kent County (85) Roscommon County (6)
Chippewa County (7) Lapeer County (9) Saginaw County (24)
Clare County (7) Leelanau County (1) Sanilac County (7)
Clinton County (13) Lenawee County (13) Shiawassee County (12)
Crawford County (2) Livingston County (32) St. Clair County (30)
Delta County (4) Macomb County (124) St. Joseph County (7)
Dickinson County (5) Manistee County (3) Tuscola County (9)
Eaton County (25) Marquette County (5) Van Buren County (16)
Emmet County (6) Mason County (4) Washtenaw County (37)
Genesee County (62) Mecosta County (4) Wayne County (125)
Gladwin County (3) Menominee County (4) Wexford County (9)

If a Michigan roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Michigan Roofing

Roofing contractors in Michigan provide a range of services such as laying, maintaining, and repairing roofs, in addition to waterproofing, asphalting, and other roof maintenance tasks.

Typical Climate in Michigan

Michigan experiences widely varying seasons with warm summers and below zero winters with plenty of snow. The northern regions experience colder temperatures and the heaviest snowfall in the state. The west coast along the lower peninsula also experiences snow due to Lake Michigan's influence on the climate. The peninsular region, especially the south, is subject to thunderstorms. The tornado season makes its presence felt beginning late spring and well into summer. With all these extreme conditions, a reliable and well-functioning roof is important.

Common Roofing Concerns in Michigan

One of the most common problems is roof leaks caused by rain or frost which in turn leads to damp ceilings and structural defects, if left unchecked. Bad workmanship at the time of laying a roof may also cause incessant problems later on. Winter in Michigan brings snow loading problems that especially affect older homes. Strong winds, heavy rain, and sleet, in addition to heavy snowfall, often compound roof problems. Some houses suffer from storm water drainage problems that often require the services of a roofing contractor.

Licensing in Michigan

In order to get a roofing license in Michigan, it is necessary to pass a credit and background check. The test is in the form of 50 questions and is conducted by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). It is known as the Residential Builder & Maintenance & Alteration Contractor License, which only authorizes the person to perform specific trades that they qualify for. The letter code for roofing qualification is M.

There are organizations such as the Southeastern Michigan Roofing Contractors Association that run 3-year apprenticeship programs in most parts of the state. These programs may be approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.

Legal Issues and Complaints

Complaints against both licensed as well as unlicensed contractors may be directed to the Bureau of Professional Licensing at the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Written complaints may also be mailed to the Bureau of Construction Codes:

Bureau of Construction Codes
Office of Local Government and Consumer Services
P.O. Box 30254
Lansing, MI 48909