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Roofing Contractors > Minnesota Roofers

Minnesota Roofing Contractors

Choose a Minnesota municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Minnesota roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Minnesotan roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in MN.

There are 867 Roofing Contractors in the State of Minnesota (MN).
Anoka (30 locations) Duluth (16 locations) Minneapolis (120 locations)
Big Lake (12 locations) Eden Prairie (9 locations) Rochester (27 locations)
Buffalo (8 locations) Elk River (14 locations) Saint Paul (93 locations)
Burnsville (18 locations) Forest Lake (10 locations) Stillwater (9 locations)
Cottage Grove (10 locations) Mankato (11 locations) Winona (9 locations)
Aitkin (2 locations) Fosston (1 location) Northfield (5 locations)
Albert Lea (3 locations) Frazee (1 location) Oakdale (1 location)
Albertville (2 locations) Fridley (1 location) Oronoco (2 locations)
Alden (1 location) Garfield (2 locations) Osseo (5 locations)
Alexandria (1 location) Glencoe (2 locations) Otsego (1 location)
Andover (1 location) Glenville (2 locations) Owatonna (5 locations)
Annandale (3 locations) Glenwood (1 location) Park Rapids (1 location)
Aurora (1 location) Glyndon (1 location) Paynesville (1 location)
Austin (7 locations) Goodhue (1 location) Pennock (1 location)
Avoca (1 location) Goodridge (1 location) Pequot Lakes (2 locations)
Avon (2 locations) Grand Rapids (1 location) Perham (1 location)
Barnum (2 locations) Granite Falls (1 location) Pierz (1 location)
Battle Lake (1 location) Hamel (1 location) Pine City (1 location)
Baxter (3 locations) Hampton (2 locations) Pine Island (1 location)
Bayport (1 location) Hanover (1 location) Plainview (1 location)
Becker (1 location) Harris (2 locations) Plymouth (3 locations)
Belle Plaine (3 locations) Hastings (7 locations) Preston (1 location)
Bemidji (6 locations) Hermantown (2 locations) Princeton (2 locations)
Bethel (1 location) Hibbing (4 locations) Prior Lake (5 locations)
Bigfork (2 locations) Hillman (1 location) Racine (1 location)
Blackduck (1 location) Hines (1 location) Red Wing (5 locations)
Blaine (2 locations) Hokah (3 locations) Richfield (1 location)
Blooming Prairie (1 location) Hopkins (6 locations) Rockford (1 location)
Bloomington (3 locations) Houston (1 location) Rogers (3 locations)
Bowlus (1 location) Howard Lake (1 location) Rosemount (4 locations)
Brainerd (6 locations) Hugo (1 location) Rush City (2 locations)
Brooklyn Park (2 locations) Hutchinson (4 locations) Sacred Heart (1 location)
Brownsville (1 location) International Falls (1 location) Saginaw (3 locations)
Butterfield (1 location) Inver Grove Heights (3 locations) Saint Charles (1 location)
Caledonia (2 locations) Isanti (1 location) Saint Cloud (6 locations)
Cambridge (3 locations) Janesville (2 locations) Saint Joseph (3 locations)
Canby (1 location) Jordan (2 locations) Saint Michael (3 locations)
Cannon Falls (4 locations) Kasson (1 location) Saint Peter (1 location)
Canton (1 location) Lake Elmo (4 locations) Sauk Rapids (1 location)
Carlos (2 locations) Lake Park (1 location) Savage (6 locations)
Carlton (1 location) Lakeville (7 locations) Schroeder (1 location)
Carver (1 location) Laporte (1 location) Sebeka (2 locations)
Cass Lake (1 location) Le Sueur (1 location) Shafer (1 location)
Cedar (1 location) Lindstrom (3 locations) Shakopee (4 locations)
Champlin (6 locations) Litchfield (2 locations) Sherburn (1 location)
Chanhassen (1 location) Little Falls (4 locations) Shevlin (1 location)
Chaska (3 locations) Long Lake (3 locations) Shoreview (1 location)
Chatfield (3 locations) Long Prairie (2 locations) Slayton (1 location)
Chisholm (1 location) Lonsdale (2 locations) Sleepy Eye (2 locations)
Circle Pines (3 locations) Luverne (1 location) Solway (1 location)
Claremont (1 location) Madelia (1 location) South Saint Paul (3 locations)
Clear Lake (1 location) Madison Lake (1 location) South St Paul (1 location)
Clearbrook (2 locations) Mahnomen (1 location) Spicer (2 locations)
Clearwater (2 locations) Maple Grove (3 locations) Spring Park (1 location)
Cleveland (4 locations) Maple Lake (1 location) Spring Valley (4 locations)
Cloquet (3 locations) Maple Plain (1 location) Stacy (1 location)
Cokato (1 location) Mayer (2 locations) Stanchfield (1 location)
Cologne (1 location) Mazeppa (1 location) Starbuck (1 location)
Cotton (2 locations) Melrose (1 location) Stewartville (1 location)
Culver (1 location) Menahga (1 location) Tamarack (1 location)
Currie (1 location) Mendota (1 location) Thief River Falls (2 locations)
Dassel (1 location) Merrifield (1 location) Twin Valley (1 location)
Deer River (1 location) Milaca (2 locations) Underwood (1 location)
Delano (1 location) Minnesota City (1 location) Verndale (1 location)
Detroit Lakes (6 locations) Minnetonka (3 locations) Victoria (1 location)
Dodge Center (2 locations) Montgomery (2 locations) Waconia (4 locations)
Dover (1 location) Monticello (5 locations) Waite Park (5 locations)
Eagan (1 location) Moorhead (4 locations) Walnut Grove (1 location)
Eagle Lake (1 location) Moose Lake (1 location) Waseca (1 location)
East Bethel (1 location) Morris (1 location) Watertown (2 locations)
Edina (1 location) Morristown (1 location) Waterville (1 location)
Elko (1 location) Mound (2 locations) Waverly (2 locations)
Ellendale (1 location) Nashwauk (1 location) Wayzata (5 locations)
Esko (1 location) Nelson (1 location) Webster (2 locations)
Eveleth (2 locations) Nevis (1 location) White Bear Lake (1 location)
Excelsior (3 locations) New Market (2 locations) Willernie (1 location)
Eyota (3 locations) New Prague (1 location) Willmar (1 location)
Fairfax (1 location) New Ulm (3 locations) Winnebago (3 locations)
Fairmont (3 locations) Newfolden (1 location) Winsted (1 location)
Faribault (3 locations) Newport (2 locations) Wyoming (2 locations)
Farmington (8 locations) Nisswa (4 locations) Zimmerman (7 locations)
Fergus Falls (1 location) North Branch (2 locations) Zumbrota (2 locations)
Foley (2 locations) North Mankato (3 locations)
Minnesota Roofing Contractors by County:
Aitkin County (3) Houston County (7) Pope County (2)
Anoka County (58) Hubbard County (3) Ramsey County (74)
Becker County (8) Isanti County (5) Redwood County (1)
Beltrami County (9) Itasca County (5) Renville County (2)
Benton County (5) Kandiyohi County (4) Rice County (13)
Blue Earth County (13) Koochiching County (1) Rock County (1)
Brown County (5) Le Sueur County (8) Scott County (24)
Carlton County (8) Mahnomen County (1) Sherburne County (36)
Carver County (15) Marshall County (1) St. Louis County (32)
Cass County (1) Martin County (4) Stearns County (16)
Chisago County (14) McLeod County (7) Steele County (7)
Clay County (5) Meeker County (3) Stevens County (1)
Clearwater County (3) Mille Lacs County (4) Todd County (2)
Cook County (1) Morrison County (7) Wabasha County (2)
Crow Wing County (16) Mower County (8) Wadena County (4)
Dakota County (67) Murray County (3) Waseca County (3)
Dodge County (4) Nicollet County (4) Washington County (48)
Douglas County (6) Norman County (1) Watonwan County (2)
Faribault County (3) Olmsted County (34) Winona County (11)
Fillmore County (9) Otter Tail County (4) Wright County (31)
Freeborn County (6) Pennington County (3) Yellow Medicine County (2)
Goodhue County (13) Pine County (1)
Hennepin County (162) Polk County (1)

If a Minnesota roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Minnesota Roofing

Roofers in Minnesota perform repairs, maintenance, and other routine work on roofs in addition to laying new ones. They take on both domestic and commercial projects and work on a variety of styles and designs. Some offer a service warranty for their work. They also undertake maintenance work such as clearing snow and repairing storm water drainpipes.

Typical Climate in Minnesota

Minnesota experiences cold winters and hot summers and distinct spring and autumn seasons. Lake Superior causes a moderation in temperatures making the surrounding areas relatively less warm in summer and less cold in winter. Generally speaking, winters, especially in the Superior Highlands, bring on below freezing temperatures and heavy snow, ice, sleet, blizzards, and freezing rain from November to April. Snowstorms may be experienced well into spring. Tornados are common around the late spring and in the summer months. The harsh winter conditions can prove grueling on a roof.

Common Roofing Problems in Minnesota

The most common roofing problem in Minnesota is water leaking into a home through the roof and damaging the interior. Leaking can happen due to clogged gutters and broken shingles. Heavy snow in winter causes snow loading issues that will add strain to the structure and could cause leaks. Strong winds during tornados can also cause serious damage to roofs; A roofing contractor in Minnesota can advise homeowners about how to reinforce a roof in preparation for tornado season. Older roofs can be particularly vulnerable to high wind damage. Lastly, damage to roofs and leaking can also occur when satellite dishes are installed without proper waterproofing the anchoring base.

Licensing in Minnesota

Residential roofing contractors need to be licensed by the Department of Labor and Industry in order to undertake roofing jobs in Minnesota. Applicants need to pass a test including 50 questions on roofing and 50 on business and law in order to qualify for the license of a residential roofer. Individual roofing professionals need to be licensed and roofing company need to be licensed as well.

Legal Issues and Complaints

The Minnesota Department of Labor handles complaints regarding roofing issues. Those companies in the roofing sector including sub-contractors are obligated to have insurance. They have mandated guidelines regarding worker's welfare under the Minnesota Statute which states that the employer or hirer is liable to pay compensation in case of injury or death of a worker. Complaints may be addressed to

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Residential Building Contractors
443 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4342
(651) 284-5069