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Roofing Contractors > Mississippi Roofers

Mississippi Roofing Contractors

Choose a Mississippi municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Mississippi roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Mississippian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in MS.

There are 267 Roofing Contractors in the State of Mississippi (MS).
Brandon (15 locations) Hattiesburg (11 locations) Picayune (6 locations)
Columbus (6 locations) Jackson (23 locations) Southaven (6 locations)
Corinth (5 locations) Meridian (9 locations) Tupelo (7 locations)
Gulfport (8 locations) Olive Branch (12 locations) Vicksburg (6 locations)
Aberdeen (2 locations) Greenville (3 locations) Pearl (3 locations)
Amory (1 location) Greenwood (4 locations) Perkinston (1 location)
Ashland (1 location) Hernando (1 location) Petal (3 locations)
Batesville (1 location) Horn Lake (1 location) Philadelphia (1 location)
Bay Saint Louis (2 locations) Indianola (1 location) Plantersville (1 location)
Bay Springs (2 locations) Iuka (2 locations) Pontotoc (1 location)
Belden (1 location) Jayess (1 location) Potts Camp (3 locations)
Biloxi (4 locations) Kokomo (2 locations) Raymond (1 location)
Blue Springs (1 location) Lake (1 location) Richton (2 locations)
Bogue Chitto (2 locations) Lake Cormorant (1 location) Ridgeland (2 locations)
Boyle (1 location) Laurel (3 locations) Rienzi (1 location)
Brookhaven (1 location) Leland (1 location) Ruleville (1 location)
Brooksville (1 location) Little Rock (1 location) Saltillo (2 locations)
Byram (1 location) Long Beach (2 locations) Sarah (1 location)
Caledonia (1 location) Lucedale (1 location) Sardis (1 location)
Canton (1 location) Madison (5 locations) Saucier (2 locations)
Carriere (2 locations) Magee (2 locations) Seminary (3 locations)
Cleveland (1 location) Magnolia (1 location) Senatobia (1 location)
Clinton (1 location) Marietta (1 location) Starkville (2 locations)
Coldwater (1 location) Mc Henry (1 location) Steens (1 location)
Collins (1 location) McComb (3 locations) Summit (2 locations)
Columbia (1 location) Mendenhall (1 location) Taylorsville (1 location)
Crystal Springs (1 location) Mineral Wells (1 location) Terry (1 location)
Diamondhead (1 location) Moselle (1 location) Union (1 location)
Diberville (2 locations) Moss Point (1 location) Vancleave (1 location)
Enterprise (1 location) Myrtle (1 location) Water Valley (2 locations)
Flora (2 locations) Natchez (4 locations) Waveland (1 location)
Florence (2 locations) New Albany (1 location) Waynesboro (2 locations)
Flowood (2 locations) Ocean Springs (3 locations) West Point (4 locations)
Foxworth (2 locations) Ovett (1 location) Wiggins (1 location)
Fulton (1 location) Oxford (3 locations) Winona (1 location)
Gautier (3 locations) Pascagoula (1 location)
Mississippi Roofing Contractors by County:
Adams County (4) Lafayette County (3) Perry County (2)
Alcorn County (6) Lauderdale County (9) Pike County (6)
Benton County (1) Lawrence County (1) Pontotoc County (1)
Bolivar County (2) Lee County (11) Prentiss County (1)
Clarke County (1) Leflore County (4) Rankin County (23)
Clay County (4) Lincoln County (3) Scott County (1)
Copiah County (1) Lowndes County (7) Simpson County (3)
Covington County (4) Madison County (10) Smith County (1)
Desoto County (22) Marion County (5) Stone County (3)
Forrest County (14) Marshall County (3) Sunflower County (2)
George County (1) Monroe County (4) Tate County (2)
Hancock County (4) Montgomery County (1) Tishomingo County (2)
Harrison County (18) Neshoba County (2) Union County (3)
Hinds County (26) Newton County (1) Warren County (6)
Itawamba County (1) Noxubee County (1) Washington County (4)
Jackson County (9) Oktibbeha County (2) Wayne County (2)
Jasper County (2) Panola County (3) Yalobusha County (2)
Jones County (5) Pearl River County (8)

If a Mississippi roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Mississippi Roofing

Roofing contractors in Mississippi routinely carry out repair and maintenance work on residential and commercial buildings. Their tasks may include cleaning gutters, treating algae and moss, and repairing broken tiles and shingles. Additionally, roofers in Mississippi lay new roofs and renovate old ones.

Typical Climate in Mississippi

Mississippi generally has a uniform climate throughout the state with long, warm, humid summers and comparatively brief winters. There is more rainfall in the south than in the north; snowfall occurs mainly in the north, though not on a large scale. Hurricanes can be a significant weather hazard in Mississippi throughout summer and most of autumn as Mississippi lies on the Gulf of Mexico.

Common Roofing Problems in Mississippi

Roofs in Mississippi are particularly vulnerable during the hurricane season in the summer months when strong winds buffet the gulf region. Shingles are made with different wind ratings; check with your roofing contractor about what you are getting. Beyond hurricanes, roofs in Mississippi need to be able to withstand humidity and keep interiors cool during the hot conditions that occur throughout most of the year.

Licensing in Mississippi

In Mississippi, a license is required to perform any kind of construction project. To qualify for residential projects, a contractor needs the Mississippi Roofing, Sheet Metal, and Siding Contractor license. The State reserves the right to determine a person's ability to apply for a license subject to a credit and background check. In addition, candidates need also to take and pass the Business and Law Management exam.

Legal Issues and Complaints

In case of shoddy workmanship, homeowners may claim compensation by filing a lawsuit against the roofing contractor. First, however, it is recommended that the owner notify the contractor of the issue and request they rectify the issue before beginning legal proceedings. If the contractor fails to take care of the matter in a satisfactory fashion, legal action is always an option.