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Roofing Contractors > Missouri Roofers

Missouri Roofing Contractors

Choose a Missouri municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Missouri roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Missourian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in MO.

There are 1028 Roofing Contractors in the State of Missouri (MO).
Blue Springs (14 locations) Jefferson City (17 locations) Saint Charles (28 locations)
Columbia (22 locations) Joplin (12 locations) Saint Joseph (13 locations)
Fenton (17 locations) Kansas City (82 locations) Saint Louis (134 locations)
Florissant (11 locations) Lees Summit (27 locations) Saint Peters (16 locations)
Independence (23 locations) O Fallon (16 locations) Springfield (36 locations)
Adrian (1 location) Gladstone (2 locations) Owensville (3 locations)
Agency (1 location) Glenallen (1 location) Ozark (3 locations)
Anderson (1 location) Glencoe (1 location) Pacific (3 locations)
Arnold (8 locations) Golden (1 location) Palmyra (1 location)
Ash Grove (3 locations) Golden City (1 location) Park Hills (2 locations)
Ashland (2 locations) Goodman (2 locations) Parkville (3 locations)
Aurora (2 locations) Grain Valley (10 locations) Patterson (2 locations)
Auxvasse (1 location) Granby (2 locations) Peculiar (4 locations)
Ava (2 locations) Grandview (9 locations) Perryville (1 location)
Ballwin (7 locations) Gravois Mills (2 locations) Phillipsburg (1 location)
Barnhart (1 location) Greentop (1 location) Piedmont (1 location)
Battlefield (2 locations) Greenwood (6 locations) Pierce City (1 location)
Beaufort (1 location) Grover (1 location) Plato (1 location)
Bellflower (1 location) Half Way (1 location) Platte City (1 location)
Belton (9 locations) Hannibal (3 locations) Pleasant Hill (5 locations)
Bevier (1 location) Harrisonville (5 locations) Pleasant Hope (2 locations)
Billings (1 location) Hartshorn (1 location) Pomona (1 location)
Bismarck (1 location) Harviell (1 location) Poplar Bluff (2 locations)
Black Jack (2 locations) Hazelwood (6 locations) Purdy (2 locations)
Bloomfield (1 location) Hermann (1 location) Ravenwood (1 location)
Bolivar (4 locations) High Ridge (4 locations) Raymore (4 locations)
Bonne Terre (2 locations) Highlandville (1 location) Raytown (3 locations)
Boonville (1 location) Hillsboro (4 locations) Rea (1 location)
Branson (2 locations) Holden (1 location) Republic (2 locations)
Bridgeton (3 locations) Holt (1 location) Richards (1 location)
Brookfield (2 locations) Hornersville (1 location) Richland (1 location)
Brookline (1 location) House Springs (6 locations) Richmond (1 location)
Brookline Sta (1 location) Humansville (1 location) Ridgedale (1 location)
Buckner (2 locations) Huntsville (1 location) Roach (1 location)
Buffalo (1 location) Imperial (6 locations) Robertsville (3 locations)
Butler (1 location) Ironton (1 location) Rocheport (2 locations)
California (1 location) Jackson (4 locations) Rock Port (1 location)
Callao (1 location) Jamesport (3 locations) Rogersville (3 locations)
Camdenton (1 location) Jane (1 location) Rolla (8 locations)
Cameron (2 locations) Kahoka (1 location) Saint Ann (3 locations)
Cape Girardeau (2 locations) Kearney (1 location) Saint Clair (6 locations)
Carl Junction (1 location) Kennett (2 locations) Sainte Genevieve (1 location)
Carthage (3 locations) Kidder (1 location) Salem (1 location)
Cedar Hill (3 locations) Kimberling City (1 location) Sarcoxie (2 locations)
Center (1 location) Kingsville (2 locations) Savannah (2 locations)
Centralia (2 locations) Labadie (1 location) Scott City (1 location)
Chaffee (1 location) Lake Lotawana (1 location) Sedalia (9 locations)
Chesterfield (7 locations) Lake Saint Louis (2 locations) Sedgewickville (1 location)
Chillicothe (2 locations) Lake St Louis (2 locations) Senath (1 location)
Clarksburg (1 location) Lampe (1 location) Seneca (1 location)
Clarksdale (1 location) Laredo (1 location) Shell Knob (2 locations)
Cleveland (2 locations) Lawson (2 locations) Sibley (2 locations)
Clever (1 location) Lebanon (7 locations) Sikeston (4 locations)
Climax Springs (1 location) Leslie (2 locations) Smithville (1 location)
Clinton (3 locations) Lexington (2 locations) Steedman (1 location)
Cole Camp (1 location) Liberty (7 locations) Steelville (4 locations)
Concordia (1 location) Linn (1 location) Stover (2 locations)
Corder (1 location) Linn Creek (1 location) Strafford (3 locations)
Country Club (1 location) Lohman (1 location) Sullivan (1 location)
Crane (1 location) Macon (1 location) Sunrise Beach (2 locations)
Crystal City (1 location) Maitland (1 location) Thayer (1 location)
Cuba (1 location) Malden (3 locations) Tipton (1 location)
Dardenne Prairie (1 location) Mansfield (1 location) Trenton (2 locations)
De Soto (4 locations) Marshall (2 locations) Troy (7 locations)
Defiance (1 location) Marshfield (2 locations) Union (2 locations)
Desloge (1 location) Marthasville (1 location) Urich (1 location)
Dexter (3 locations) Maryland Heights (5 locations) Valley Park (3 locations)
Dixon (1 location) Maryville (5 locations) Verona (1 location)
Doniphan (1 location) Mexico (6 locations) Versailles (2 locations)
Downing (1 location) Moberly (1 location) Vichy (1 location)
Eldon (1 location) Monroe City (1 location) Villa Ridge (1 location)
Elkland (1 location) Monticello (1 location) Waldron (1 location)
Ellisville (2 locations) Morrisville (1 location) Warrensburg (4 locations)
Elsberry (1 location) Morse Mill (1 location) Warrenton (6 locations)
Eolia (1 location) Moscow Mills (3 locations) Warsaw (4 locations)
Eureka (4 locations) Neosho (10 locations) Washington (1 location)
Everton (1 location) New Cambria (1 location) Waynesville (3 locations)
Ewing (1 location) New Haven (1 location) Webb City (2 locations)
Excelsior Springs (3 locations) Newburg (2 locations) Weldon Spring (2 locations)
Fairview (2 locations) Niangua (3 locations) Wellsville (1 location)
Farmington (7 locations) Nixa (5 locations) Wentworth (1 location)
Festus (1 location) Noel (1 location) Wentzville (8 locations)
Foristell (6 locations) North Kansas City (1 location) West Plains (3 locations)
Fredericktown (3 locations) Norwood (1 location) Westphalia (1 location)
Freeburg (4 locations) Oak Grove (2 locations) Wildwood (2 locations)
Fulton (1 location) Odessa (1 location) Willard (2 locations)
Galena (1 location) Old Monroe (1 location) Willow Springs (1 location)
Gallatin (1 location) Osage Beach (2 locations) Windyville (1 location)
Garden City (4 locations) Osborn (1 location) Winfield (1 location)
Gilman City (1 location) Osceola (1 location) Wright City (3 locations)
Missouri Roofing Contractors by County:
Adair County (1) Gasconade County (4) Osage County (6)
Andrew County (3) Greene County (52) Perry County (1)
Atchison County (1) Grundy County (3) Pettis County (9)
Audrain County (6) Harrison County (1) Phelps County (10)
Barry County (5) Henry County (4) Pike County (1)
Barton County (1) Holt County (1) Platte County (22)
Bates County (2) Howell County (5) Polk County (7)
Benton County (5) Iron County (1) Pulaski County (5)
Bollinger County (2) Jackson County (145) Ralls County (1)
Boone County (28) Jasper County (20) Randolph County (2)
Buchanan County (15) Jefferson County (39) Ray County (3)
Butler County (3) Johnson County (7) Ripley County (1)
Caldwell County (1) Laclede County (8) Saline County (2)
Callaway County (3) Lafayette County (5) Schuyler County (1)
Camden County (8) Lawrence County (5) Scott County (6)
Cape Girardeau County (6) Lewis County (2) St. Charles County (82)
Cass County (33) Lincoln County (13) St. Clair County (1)
Christian County (11) Linn County (2) St. Francois County (13)
Clark County (1) Livingston County (2) St. Louis County (169)
Clay County (35) Macon County (4) Ste. Genevieve County (1)
Clinton County (2) Madison County (3) Stoddard County (4)
Cole County (18) Maries County (1) Stone County (4)
Cooper County (1) Marion County (4) Taney County (3)
Crawford County (5) McDonald County (5) Texas County (2)
Dade County (1) Miller County (1) Vernon County (1)
Dallas County (3) Moniteau County (3) Warren County (10)
Daviess County (4) Monroe County (1) Wayne County (3)
Dekalb County (2) Montgomery County (2) Webster County (8)
Dent County (1) Morgan County (6) Wright County (2)
Douglas County (2) Newton County (15)
Dunklin County (7) Nodaway County (6)
Franklin County (22) Oregon County (1)

If a Missouri roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Missouri Roofing

A combination of humidity and a full tornado season set Missouri up for several roofing issues, ranging from maintenance and inspection to repairs, from the minor to the remodeled. A good bet is seeking a contractor who's part of the National Roofing Contractors Association.

Typical Climate in Missouri

While the entire state of Missouri is considered to have a continental climate, there's considerable variation in the state, with a roughly 10-degree mean difference between its Northwest andSoutheast regions. Mean temperatures range from mid-50s in January to high 70s or low 80s in July, based on the state's largest cities of Kansas City and St. Louis. There's precipitation of some sort about 100 days a year in Missouri, with the Southeast seeing about 33 percent more rainfall than the Northwest, and twice as much snow (roughly 20 inches a year in the Northwest vs. 10 in the Southeast). Most vital to homeowners and roofers alike in Missouri is that, in the spring, the region experiences tornado season.

Common Roofing Issues in Missouri

Throughout the year, a common problem for Missouri homeowners is the growth of algae and moss on roofs. The region is home to a hardy brand of blue-green algae, which holds moisture as it grows, gradually enabling it to accelerate its pace. This has become a larger problem over the past 30 years, as the base of asphalt shingles was converted to limestone--a feeder for algae. However, while the algae stains are unattractive, the real issue is the damage to the roof itself. The algae takes root on the shingles, dislodging the granules that protect and color the roof. And because algae retains water against the roof, the underlayment becomes more prone to rot and decay. Of course, the most dramatic threat to roofs is tornado season, as the high winds can not only shred shingles but knock branches onto rooftops.

Licensing in Missouri

In Missouri, construction licenses of any nature aren't conducted at the state level but the city level. In fact, the state doesn't license contractors at all. As such, homeowners should make sure a contractor carries liability insurance, which isn't mandatory in the state.

Legal Issues And Complaints

A major blow for Missouri homeowners with respect to contractor litigation was struck several years ago, when it was ruled that the state's five-year statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against a contractor of any kind began not from the date of completion of the work but from the homeowner's discovery of the problem. The case, Allen v. Kuehnle and Kuehnle Bros. Const. Co., allowed a homeowner to sue a contractor seven years after work was completed because they didn't uncover the problem until that point. A separate case, Erney v. Freeman d/b/a Phil's Custom Const., resulted in a judgment that homeowners can recover their repair costs should a contractor walk off of a job site.

Energy Efficient Roofs in Missouri

ENERGY STAR lists two roofing partners in Missouri: Butler Manufacturing and Tamko Building Products Inc. Butler makes a variety of roofing products, its CMR-24 roof system that is backed by a rigid insulation board and an interior steel liner. The company also makes a ThermaLiner system, which the company says offers added thermal efficiency, condensation control and noise reduction, and can be used with most of the company's central roofing products. Tamko products offers a wide line of residential and commercial roofing products. Residentially, in particular, the company offers a 50-year warranty and includes a 10-year Algae Relief plan that covers cleaning of any discoloration caused by the aforementioned algae problem. The company offers various ridge ventilation systems for roofs, enabling heat to escape and thus minimizing the work of a home's air conditioner. These products include the Cool Ridge, Rapid Ridge and Roll Vent.

Unusual Roofs in Missouri

Missouri's Kemper Arena uses three massive trusses to hold the roof in suspension, above and independent from the arena's seating tiers and support spaces below. This design not only provides an aesthetic nuance, but was it practical in allowing for the 18-month completion of the project.