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Nebraska Roofing Contractors

Choose a Nebraska municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Nebraska roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Nebraskan roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in NE.

There are 410 Roofing Contractors in the State of Nebraska (NE).
Bellevue (9 locations) Grand Island (19 locations) Omaha (115 locations)
Columbus (7 locations) Kearney (14 locations) Papillion (12 locations)
Elkhorn (9 locations) Lincoln (63 locations) Plattsmouth (8 locations)
Fremont (9 locations) North Platte (7 locations) Scottsbluff (5 locations)
Ainsworth (1 location) Fullerton (1 location) Ogallala (3 locations)
Alda (1 location) Genoa (1 location) Oneill (1 location)
Alliance (3 locations) Gering (1 location) Orleans (1 location)
Arnold (1 location) Gibbon (2 locations) Oxford (3 locations)
Ashland (1 location) Giltner (1 location) Pawnee City (1 location)
Auburn (1 location) Grant (1 location) Pickrell (1 location)
Aurora (1 location) Gretna (3 locations) Pleasant Dale (1 location)
Ayr (1 location) Hadar (1 location) Plymouth (1 location)
Battle Creek (1 location) Harvard (1 location) Republican City (1 location)
Beatrice (1 location) Hastings (2 locations) Rising City (1 location)
Beaver Crossing (2 locations) Hershey (1 location) Scotia (1 location)
Benkelman (1 location) Hickman (1 location) Shelton (1 location)
Bennington (2 locations) Holdrege (3 locations) Sidney (3 locations)
Blair (5 locations) Hubbard (1 location) South Sioux City (3 locations)
Brainard (1 location) Indianola (1 location) Steinauer (1 location)
Broken Bow (1 location) Juniata (1 location) Sterling (1 location)
Cambridge (1 location) La Vista (5 locations) Stuart (1 location)
Ceresco (1 location) Laurel (1 location) Sutton (2 locations)
Colon (1 location) Lexington (4 locations) Utica (1 location)
Creston (1 location) Malcolm (1 location) Valentine (1 location)
David City (1 location) Marquette (1 location) Wahoo (2 locations)
Denton (1 location) Martell (1 location) Waverly (1 location)
Deshler (1 location) Mc Cook (3 locations) West Point (1 location)
Doniphan (1 location) Milford (2 locations) Wilber (1 location)
Eagle (3 locations) Minatare (1 location) Winnebago (1 location)
Edgar (1 location) Monroe (1 location) York (4 locations)
Ewing (1 location) Morrill (3 locations) Yutan (3 locations)
Fairbury (2 locations) Norfolk (5 locations)
Falls City (1 location) Oakdale (1 location)
Nebraska Roofing Contractors by County:
Adams County (4) Douglas County (122) Nemaha County (1)
Antelope County (1) Dundy County (1) Pawnee County (2)
Box Butte County (3) Furnas County (4) Perkins County (1)
Brown County (1) Gage County (2) Phelps County (3)
Buffalo County (17) Greeley County (1) Platte County (9)
Butler County (3) Hall County (21) Red Willow County (4)
Cass County (11) Hamilton County (3) Richardson County (1)
Cedar County (1) Harlan County (2) Saline County (1)
Cherry County (1) Holt County (3) Sarpy County (33)
Cheyenne County (3) Jefferson County (3) Saunders County (8)
Clay County (4) Johnson County (1) Scotts Bluff County (10)
Cuming County (1) Keith County (3) Seward County (6)
Custer County (2) Lancaster County (68) Thayer County (1)
Dakota County (4) Lincoln County (8) Thurston County (1)
Dawson County (4) Madison County (7) Washington County (5)
Dodge County (9) Nance County (2) York County (4)

If a Nebraska roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Nebraska Roofing

Be it renovations, repairs or a full-blown installation, Nebraska has fully licensed (a state requirement) roofers who can be part of multiple trade associations--such as the Midwest Roofing Contractors Association and the Omaha Roofing Contractors Association--to enhance professionalism

Typical Climate in Nebraska

As a Midwest plains state, Nebraska has a highly variable continental climate. The state's central region sees an annual average temperature of 50 degrees, with a low of 22 degrees in January and a high of 76 degrees in July. The state sees everything from blizzards to windstorms and droughts during the year, and precipitation varies from Nebraska's semiarid panhandle (17 inches a year on average) to the southeast (30 inches annually). Similarly, snowfall varies from 21 inches a year in the Southeast to more than double that in the Northwest, a byproduct of the nearby Rocky Mountains.

Common Roofing Issues in Nebraska

The widely varying weather in Nebraska presents a host of different roofing problems in the state. As part of the Midwest's Tornado Alley, the possibility for wind damage is significant. In a given early-spring week, mid-Nebraska can see tornadoes, high winds and heavy thunderstorms. These circumstances can bring damage from loss of roof coverings to uplift to, in severe circumstances, the destruction of entire roofing sections.

Licensing in Nebraska

All contractors doing business in counties with a population of 100,000 or more in the state of Nebraska need a license to do business. Nonresident contractors doing business in Nebraska must register with the Nebraska Secretary of State and the Nebraska Department of Revenue. All contractors, however, are required to be registered with the state.

Energy Efficient Roofs in Nebraska

ENERGY STAR lists one roofing partner in Nebraska, Behlen Manufacturing Co. in Columbus. Roofing products are labeled as ENERGY STAR-compliant if they meet the ENERGY STAR standard for reflectance on initial installation as well as after three years of weathering. Reflective roofs can save money on energy bills by minimizing a facility's heat gain.