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North Carolina Roofing Contractors

Choose a North Carolina municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all North Carolina roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern North Carolinian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in NC.

There are 1469 Roofing Contractors in the State of North Carolina (NC).
Asheboro (15 locations) Fayetteville (33 locations) Monroe (19 locations)
Asheville (19 locations) Greensboro (39 locations) Mooresville (21 locations)
Charlotte (119 locations) Hickory (14 locations) Raleigh (64 locations)
Concord (28 locations) Lexington (19 locations) Wilmington (40 locations)
Durham (27 locations) Matthews (14 locations) Winston Salem (38 locations)
Aberdeen (5 locations) Gibsonville (3 locations) Pikeville (3 locations)
Advance (4 locations) Godwin (1 location) Pinehurst (2 locations)
Ahoskie (1 location) Goldsboro (12 locations) Pinetown (1 location)
Albemarle (3 locations) Goldston (1 location) Pineville (3 locations)
Albertson (1 location) Graham (2 locations) Pink Hill (1 location)
Alexander (1 location) Grandy (2 locations) Pinnacle (2 locations)
Andrews (1 location) Granite Falls (2 locations) Pisgah Forest (1 location)
Angier (5 locations) Grassy Creek (1 location) Pittsboro (7 locations)
Apex (8 locations) Greenville (8 locations) Pleasant Garden (2 locations)
Ararat (1 location) Grifton (1 location) Point Harbor (1 location)
Arden (5 locations) Grover (1 location) Poplar Branch (1 location)
Ash (2 locations) Halifax (2 locations) Providence (1 location)
Atkinson (1 location) Hamlet (3 locations) Raeford (1 location)
Atlantic Beach (1 location) Hampstead (2 locations) Randleman (5 locations)
Autryville (1 location) Harkers Island (1 location) Red Springs (3 locations)
Banner Elk (1 location) Harmony (1 location) Reidsville (7 locations)
Belmont (3 locations) Harrisburg (2 locations) Richlands (1 location)
Benson (4 locations) Haw River (2 locations) Riegelwood (1 location)
Bessemer City (1 location) Hayesville (2 locations) Roanoke Rapids (5 locations)
Bethel (2 locations) Henderson (9 locations) Roaring River (2 locations)
Beulaville (1 location) Hendersonville (12 locations) Robbins (1 location)
Biscoe (1 location) Hertford (3 locations) Robersonville (2 locations)
Black Mountain (2 locations) Hiddenite (2 locations) Rockwell (4 locations)
Bladenboro (1 location) High Point (13 locations) Rocky Mount (8 locations)
Blounts Creek (1 location) Hillsborough (9 locations) Rocky Point (2 locations)
Bolivia (1 location) Holly Ridge (2 locations) Rougemont (3 locations)
Boone (4 locations) Holly Springs (5 locations) Roxboro (3 locations)
Bostic (1 location) Hope Mills (8 locations) Rutherfordton (1 location)
Brevard (4 locations) Horse Shoe (1 location) Saint Pauls (4 locations)
Broadway (1 location) Hot Springs (2 locations) Salemburg (1 location)
Browns Summit (3 locations) Huntersville (5 locations) Salisbury (8 locations)
Bryson City (3 locations) Hurdle Mills (1 location) Sanford (7 locations)
Bunn (1 location) Indian Trail (14 locations) Seagrove (3 locations)
Burgaw (1 location) Jacksonville (11 locations) Seven Springs (1 location)
Burlington (12 locations) Jamestown (1 location) Shallotte (5 locations)
Burnsville (2 locations) Jamesville (2 locations) Shannon (1 location)
Buxton (1 location) Jefferson (3 locations) Shelby (5 locations)
Calabash (2 locations) Kannapolis (5 locations) Siler City (4 locations)
Camden (1 location) Kenansville (1 location) Sims (1 location)
Cameron (3 locations) Kenly (2 locations) Smithfield (4 locations)
Candler (9 locations) Kernersville (8 locations) Snow Camp (1 location)
Canton (4 locations) Kill Devil Hills (3 locations) Sophia (3 locations)
Carolina Beach (2 locations) King (3 locations) South Brunswick (1 location)
Carrboro (1 location) Kings Mountain (4 locations) South Mills (1 location)
Carthage (2 locations) Kinston (7 locations) Southern Pines (2 locations)
Cary (13 locations) Kitty Hawk (2 locations) Southern Shores (1 location)
Castle Hayne (3 locations) Knightdale (2 locations) Southport (4 locations)
Catawba (4 locations) Knotts Island (1 location) Sparta (2 locations)
Cerro Gordo (1 location) Lansing (2 locations) Spindale (1 location)
Chadbourn (1 location) Laurel Springs (1 location) Spring Hope (1 location)
Chapel Hill (5 locations) Leicester (5 locations) Spring Lake (3 locations)
Cherryville (1 location) Leland (5 locations) Spruce Pine (4 locations)
China Grove (2 locations) Lenoir (7 locations) Stanley (1 location)
Chocowinity (2 locations) Liberty (1 location) Star (2 locations)
Claremont (4 locations) Lillington (2 locations) Statesville (10 locations)
Clayton (6 locations) Lincolnton (6 locations) Stedman (1 location)
Clemmons (6 locations) Linden (1 location) Stokesdale (4 locations)
Cleveland (1 location) Locust (1 location) Stoneville (9 locations)
Climax (3 locations) Louisburg (1 location) Stony Point (2 locations)
Clinton (1 location) Lowell (2 locations) Sugar Grove (1 location)
Clyde (1 location) Lowgap (2 locations) Summerfield (4 locations)
Coats (2 locations) Lumberton (9 locations) Sunset Beach (1 location)
Colfax (1 location) Madison (1 location) Supply (1 location)
Collettsville (1 location) Maiden (5 locations) Swannanoa (2 locations)
Columbus (3 locations) Maple Hill (1 location) Swansboro (1 location)
Connelly Springs (1 location) Marble (1 location) Sylva (3 locations)
Conover (2 locations) Marion (5 locations) Tabor City (1 location)
Cornelius (5 locations) Mars Hill (2 locations) Tarboro (2 locations)
Creedmoor (1 location) Marshall (1 location) Taylorsville (2 locations)
Crossnore (1 location) Marshville (3 locations) Thomasville (6 locations)
Currie (1 location) Marston (1 location) Timberlake (1 location)
Dallas (6 locations) Mayodan (2 locations) Todd (1 location)
Dana (1 location) Mc Leansville (4 locations) Traphill (2 locations)
Davidson (1 location) Mebane (4 locations) Trinity (6 locations)
Deep Gap (1 location) Midland (2 locations) Troutman (7 locations)
Denver (3 locations) Mint Hill (4 locations) Tryon (1 location)
Dobson (1 location) Mocksville (4 locations) Valdese (2 locations)
Dudley (2 locations) Mooresboro (1 location) Vale (1 location)
Dunn (1 location) Morehead City (6 locations) Vanceboro (1 location)
East Flat Rock (3 locations) Morganton (10 locations) Vilas (2 locations)
Eden (5 locations) Morrisville (1 location) Wade (1 location)
Edenton (3 locations) Mount Airy (12 locations) Wadesboro (1 location)
Efland (1 location) Mount Gilead (1 location) Wake Forest (9 locations)
Elizabeth City (6 locations) Mount Holly (4 locations) Walkertown (1 location)
Elkin (1 location) Mount Olive (5 locations) Wallace (2 locations)
Ellenboro (2 locations) Mount Pleasant (2 locations) Wanchese (1 location)
Ellerbe (3 locations) Moyock (2 locations) Warrensville (2 locations)
Elm City (3 locations) Murphy (2 locations) Warrenton (1 location)
Elon (2 locations) Nags Head (1 location) Warsaw (2 locations)
Elon College (3 locations) Nakina (1 location) Washington (3 locations)
Emerald Isle (1 location) Nashville (5 locations) Waxhaw (5 locations)
Etowah (2 locations) Nebo (1 location) Waynesville (2 locations)
Eure (1 location) New Bern (13 locations) Weaverville (2 locations)
Fairmont (1 location) New London (2 locations) Wendell (7 locations)
Fairview (3 locations) Newland (3 locations) Whiteville (4 locations)
Faison (1 location) Newport (2 locations) Whitsett (2 locations)
Farmville (2 locations) Newton (6 locations) Wilkesboro (6 locations)
Flat Rock (2 locations) North Wilkesboro (3 locations) Williamston (2 locations)
Fletcher (7 locations) Norwood (2 locations) Willow Spring (3 locations)
Forest City (1 location) Oak Island (2 locations) Wilson (6 locations)
Franklin (5 locations) Oakboro (1 location) Wingate (1 location)
Franklinton (2 locations) Olin (1 location) Winnabow (1 location)
Franklinville (1 location) Oriental (1 location) Winterville (3 locations)
Fremont (1 location) Otto (2 locations) Woodland (1 location)
Fuquay Varina (6 locations) Oxford (1 location) Yadkinville (2 locations)
Garner (8 locations) Pantego (1 location) Youngsville (6 locations)
Gastonia (11 locations) Parkton (2 locations) Zebulon (4 locations)
North Carolina Roofing Contractors by County:
Alamance County (26) Edgecombe County (5) Orange County (16)
Alexander County (6) Forsyth County (53) Pamlico County (1)
Alleghany County (3) Franklin County (10) Pasquotank County (6)
Anson County (1) Gaston County (29) Pender County (8)
Ashe County (9) Gates County (1) Perquimans County (3)
Avery County (5) Granville County (2) Person County (5)
Beaufort County (8) Guilford County (79) Pitt County (16)
Bladen County (1) Halifax County (7) Polk County (4)
Brunswick County (25) Harnett County (13) Randolph County (34)
Buncombe County (48) Haywood County (7) Richmond County (7)
Burke County (13) Henderson County (28) Robeson County (20)
Cabarrus County (39) Hertford County (1) Rockingham County (24)
Caldwell County (10) Hoke County (1) Rowan County (15)
Camden County (2) Iredell County (40) Rutherford County (6)
Carteret County (11) Jackson County (3) Sampson County (4)
Caswell County (1) Johnston County (16) Stanly County (9)
Catawba County (35) Lee County (8) Stokes County (5)
Chatham County (12) Lenoir County (8) Surry County (17)
Cherokee County (4) Lincoln County (10) Swain County (3)
Chowan County (3) Macon County (7) Transylvania County (5)
Clay County (2) Madison County (5) Union County (49)
Cleveland County (11) Martin County (6) Vance County (9)
Columbus County (9) McDowell County (6) Wake County (130)
Craven County (14) Mecklenburg County (144) Warren County (1)
Cumberland County (47) Mitchell County (4) Watauga County (8)
Currituck County (7) Montgomery County (4) Wayne County (24)
Dare County (9) Moore County (12) Wilkes County (13)
Davidson County (25) Nash County (11) Wilson County (10)
Davie County (8) New Hanover County (45) Yadkin County (2)
Duplin County (8) Northampton County (1) Yancey County (2)
Durham County (30) Onslow County (15)

If a North Carolina roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About North Carolina Roofing

It makes sense for a state as susceptible to such devastating weather impacts as North Carolina is to have its roofers well-organized. Carolinas Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association Inc. has been around for more than 65 years, and includes not only roofing contractors themselves but suppliers of both products and services.

Typical Climate In North Carolina

Classified as a humid, subtropical climate, North Carolina sees four distinctive seasons. Though winters are short and mild, they are definitive. Snowfall accumulates in the mountains of the state, but coastal areas--such as the beaches and Outer Banks--see only trace amounts annually. Summers can be muggy, depending where you are in the state, while spring and fall are moderate and transitional. Hurricanes are probably considered more of a norm in North Carolina than is actually true, though when they do strike they do so with notable force. But rain itself is a real day-to-day concern, in particular in the state's southwest section near the Blue Ridge Mountains. Moist winds from the south rise over the mountains to drop more than 80 inches of rain a year, making the region the wettest in the eastern United States. On average, January temperatures range from the mid-30s to the upper-40s, while July temperatures range from the upper-60s to the mid-80s.

Common Roofing Issues In North Carolina

To call it common is perhaps an overstatement, but homeowners in the state--particularly near the Atlantic coast--live with the cloud of hurricane season hanging over their collective heads. Hurricanes ranging from Gloria in 1986 to Alex in 2004 have cost the state tens of millions in damages. Such potential for damage makes tile roofing more prevalent in North Carolina than other places because of its proven wind resistance. The general abundance of rainfall makes leaks a regular concern for homeowners in the state. Contractors in the state recommend pre-storm checks of drainage and loose debris or flashings to minimize the risk. Wind also poses a problem, particularly for a low-slope roof system. Roof edges take the brunt of this and are the site of most roof failures. Faced with a constant barrage of wind and rain, roof edges are often where low-slope roof systems take the worst beating. Humidity and organic matter combine to make the staining of roofing from algae, lichens and moss a presence in much of the state.

Licensing In North Carolina

To work as a general contractor on projects costing more than $30,000 in North Carolina, you must get a license from the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors. Roofing is considered a specialty license under the general contracting banner. The roofing classification covers the installation and repair of roofs and decks on residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional structures, requiring materials that form a watertight and weather-resistant surface. For the purposes of this definition "material" includes cedar, cement, asbestos, clay tile, composition shingles, all types of metal coverings, wood shakes, single ply and built-up roofing, protective and reflective roof and deck coatings, sheet metal valleys, flashings, gravel stops, gutters and downspouts, and bituminous waterproofing among other things.

Energy Efficient Roofs In North Carolina

ENERGY STAR lists three roofing partners in North Carolina: ALDO Products Co., Coastal Metal Service and Sunlife Systems. ALDO makes a series of reflective roof coatings based primarily in the company's ALDOCOAT 374 acrylic coating product, which the company says is a high solids, fire retardant, thixotropic acrylic elastomer that can be used over metal substrates, polyurethane foam and asphalt systems. Greensboro-based Coastal Metal Service (CMS) offers eight ENERGY STAR-classified Cool Color options, meeting Environmental Protection Agency criteria. These metal roofs are shown in studies to save as much as 40 percent in energy costs, and according to CMS stand up to wind, hail, fire and earthquakes. Charlotte-based Sunlife handles a host of roofing products, including single-ply, metal and wet-roofing systems that meet the ENERGY STAR standards.

Unusual Roofs In North Carolina

Erect since the Civil War, the neoclassically designed North Carolina State Capitol's rooftop dome is flanked by a glass skylight overlooking the rotunda, an advanced structure given its period of construction. Famously, Second Lt. George Carr Round of the U.S. Army Signal Corps was sent to man a signal station atop the dome during the war. But upon sliding over the top, he crashed through the skylight, saved only by hanging from wire mesh netting beneath the skylight nearly 100 feet over the rotunda. Perhaps the state's most famous building is the Biltmore Estate. The building's intricately designed roof was designed with no wood. Rather, the building is fireproof with an iron framework, slate tiles, and copper sculpted flashing and ornamentation.