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Roofing Contractors > Ohio Roofers

Ohio Roofing Contractors

Choose an Ohio municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Ohio roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Ohioan roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in OH.

There are 1978 Roofing Contractors in the State of Ohio (OH).
Akron (44 locations) Dayton (66 locations) Toledo (43 locations)
Canton (35 locations) Elyria (16 locations) West Chester (18 locations)
Cincinnati (113 locations) Hamilton (15 locations) Westerville (22 locations)
Cleveland (108 locations) Mansfield (17 locations) Willoughby (15 locations)
Columbus (117 locations) Mentor (14 locations) Youngstown (17 locations)
Aberdeen (2 locations) Genoa (1 location) Obetz (1 location)
Ada (2 locations) Germantown (3 locations) Okeana (3 locations)
Adamsville (3 locations) Girard (2 locations) Olmsted Falls (1 location)
Albany (2 locations) Glenford (1 location) Olmsted Twp (4 locations)
Alliance (6 locations) Glouster (1 location) Ontario (1 location)
Amelia (9 locations) Gnadenhutten (2 locations) Oregon (4 locations)
Amherst (8 locations) Goshen (2 locations) Orient (2 locations)
Anna (1 location) Grafton (4 locations) Orrville (4 locations)
Antwerp (1 location) Grand Rapids (1 location) Ostrander (2 locations)
Apple Creek (3 locations) Granville (2 locations) Ottawa (2 locations)
Arcadia (1 location) Graytown (1 location) Ottawa Hills (2 locations)
Arcanum (3 locations) Greenfield (1 location) Otway (1 location)
Archbold (4 locations) Greentown (1 location) Oxford (1 location)
Arlington (1 location) Greenville (5 locations) Painesville (11 locations)
Ashland (3 locations) Greenwich (1 location) Palestine (1 location)
Ashtabula (8 locations) Grove City (8 locations) Pandora (1 location)
Ashville (3 locations) Groveport (3 locations) Paris (1 location)
Athens (2 locations) Guysville (1 location) Parma (5 locations)
Atwater (3 locations) Hamersville (1 location) Pataskala (5 locations)
Aurora (3 locations) Harrison (6 locations) Paulding (1 location)
Avon (1 location) Hartville (10 locations) Payne (1 location)
Avon Lake (6 locations) Hicksville (1 location) Peebles (1 location)
Baltic (6 locations) Highland Heights (1 location) Perry (2 locations)
Baltimore (7 locations) Hilliard (7 locations) Perrysburg (6 locations)
Barberton (4 locations) Hillsboro (1 location) Philo (1 location)
Batavia (8 locations) Holland (5 locations) Pickerington (6 locations)
Bay Village (2 locations) Holmesville (3 locations) Piqua (6 locations)
Beachwood (1 location) Hooven (1 location) Plain City (11 locations)
Beavercreek (8 locations) Howard (2 locations) Pleasant City (1 location)
Bedford (4 locations) Hubbard (2 locations) Pleasant Plain (1 location)
Bedford Heights (1 location) Huber Heights (1 location) Plymouth (1 location)
Bellbrook (2 locations) Hudson (5 locations) Poland (2 locations)
Belle Center (1 location) Huron (2 locations) Pomeroy (1 location)
Bellefontaine (4 locations) Independence (2 locations) Port Clinton (3 locations)
Bellevue (1 location) Ironton (2 locations) Portsmouth (3 locations)
Bellville (3 locations) Jackson (3 locations) Powell (6 locations)
Belpre (2 locations) Jamestown (2 locations) Prospect (2 locations)
Berea (6 locations) Jefferson (5 locations) Ravenna (9 locations)
Bethel (2 locations) Jenera (1 location) Rayland (1 location)
Bidwell (3 locations) Johnstown (2 locations) Republic (1 location)
Big Prairie (1 location) Kent (10 locations) Reynoldsburg (10 locations)
Blacklick (3 locations) Kenton (1 location) Richfield (4 locations)
Bloomingburg (1 location) Kettering (2 locations) Richmond Heights (1 location)
Bloomville (1 location) Kimbolton (1 location) Richwood (2 locations)
Blue Ash (3 locations) Kingsville (1 location) Rittman (1 location)
Boardman (1 location) Kipton (1 location) Roaming Shores (1 location)
Bowling Green (3 locations) Kirtland (1 location) Rock Creek (1 location)
Bradford (2 locations) Lagrange (4 locations) Rockbridge (1 location)
Bradner (1 location) Lakeside (1 location) Rocky River (4 locations)
Brecksville (2 locations) Lakewood (7 locations) Rootstown (3 locations)
Brewster (1 location) Lancaster (9 locations) Roseville (1 location)
Bridgeport (2 locations) Laurelville (2 locations) Russellville (1 location)
Bristolville (2 locations) Lebanon (9 locations) Sabina (1 location)
Broadview Heights (3 locations) Leesburg (1 location) Saint Clairsville (1 location)
Brooklyn Heights (1 location) Leetonia (1 location) Saint Paris (1 location)
Brookville (5 locations) Lewis Center (5 locations) Salem (2 locations)
Brunswick (7 locations) Lewisburg (3 locations) Sandusky (5 locations)
Bryan (1 location) Lexington (1 location) Sardinia (1 location)
Bucyrus (2 locations) Liberty Center (2 locations) Scio (2 locations)
Burton (2 locations) Liberty Township (2 locations) Scottown (1 location)
Butler (1 location) Liberty Twp (4 locations) Sebring (1 location)
Cambridge (1 location) Lima (6 locations) Seven Hills (4 locations)
Camden (3 locations) Litchfield (4 locations) Seville (1 location)
Campbell (1 location) Lockbourne (1 location) Shadyside (4 locations)
Canal Fulton (2 locations) Lodi (2 locations) Shaker Heights (1 location)
Canal Winchester (2 locations) Logan (5 locations) Shandon (1 location)
Canfield (6 locations) London (2 locations) Sharonville (1 location)
Cardington (1 location) Long Bottom (1 location) Sheffield Lake (1 location)
Carroll (1 location) Lorain (10 locations) Shelby (2 locations)
Carrollton (3 locations) Lore City (1 location) Sherrodsville (1 location)
Castalia (1 location) Louisville (5 locations) Sidney (6 locations)
Cedarville (1 location) Loveland (10 locations) Smithville (1 location)
Celina (4 locations) Lowellville (1 location) Solon (6 locations)
Centerburg (1 location) Lower Salem (1 location) South Lebanon (1 location)
Centerville (3 locations) Lucasville (1 location) South Point (2 locations)
Chagrin Falls (6 locations) Luckey (1 location) Spencer (1 location)
Chardon (6 locations) Ludlow Falls (1 location) Spring Valley (1 location)
Chesapeake (1 location) Macedonia (3 locations) Springboro (1 location)
Chesterland (8 locations) Magnolia (1 location) Springfield (14 locations)
Chillicothe (5 locations) Maineville (4 locations) Steubenville (2 locations)
Circleville (9 locations) Malvern (1 location) Stone Creek (1 location)
Clarksburg (1 location) Mantua (2 locations) Stoutsville (1 location)
Clarksville (1 location) Maple Heights (1 location) Stow (6 locations)
Clayton (1 location) Marietta (3 locations) Streetsboro (2 locations)
Cleves (6 locations) Marion (12 locations) Strongsville (6 locations)
Clinton (1 location) Martins Ferry (1 location) Struthers (1 location)
Clyde (1 location) Marysville (3 locations) Sugarcreek (6 locations)
Coldwater (2 locations) Mason (5 locations) Sunbury (7 locations)
Columbia Station (2 locations) Massillon (9 locations) Swanton (1 location)
Columbiana (1 location) Maumee (8 locations) Sylvania (2 locations)
Commercial Point (1 location) Mc Arthur (1 location) Tallmadge (3 locations)
Conneaut (4 locations) Medina (8 locations) The Plains (1 location)
Conover (1 location) Medway (3 locations) Tiffin (6 locations)
Copley (1 location) Mendon (1 location) Tipp City (4 locations)
Cortland (3 locations) Mesopotamia (1 location) Tiro (2 locations)
Coshocton (5 locations) Miamisburg (2 locations) Trenton (1 location)
Coventry Township (1 location) Middlefield (5 locations) Trotwood (1 location)
Covington (2 locations) Middletown (4 locations) Troy (5 locations)
Cridersville (2 locations) Milford (7 locations) Twinsburg (8 locations)
Crooksville (2 locations) Millbury (2 locations) Uhrichsville (1 location)
Croton (1 location) Millersburg (6 locations) Uniontown (7 locations)
Cumberland (2 locations) Mineral Ridge (4 locations) Upper Arlington (1 location)
Curtice (1 location) Minford (1 location) Upper Sandusky (1 location)
Cuyahoga Falls (10 locations) Mingo Junction (1 location) Urbana (10 locations)
Dalton (1 location) Mogadore (2 locations) Utica (2 locations)
De Graff (1 location) Monroe (1 location) Van Wert (5 locations)
Defiance (5 locations) Monroeville (1 location) Vermilion (2 locations)
Delaware (8 locations) Montgomery (1 location) Versailles (2 locations)
Delphos (2 locations) Montpelier (1 location) Wadsworth (14 locations)
Delta (2 locations) Moraine (4 locations) Wakeman (1 location)
Dillonvale (1 location) Morrow (3 locations) Walbridge (1 location)
Dover (1 location) Moscow (2 locations) Waldo (1 location)
Doylestown (3 locations) Mount Orab (1 location) Wapakoneta (3 locations)
Dresden (2 locations) Mount Perry (1 location) Warren (9 locations)
Dublin (4 locations) Mount Vernon (9 locations) Warsaw (3 locations)
Dundee (6 locations) Napoleon (1 location) Waterville (2 locations)
East Liverpool (4 locations) Nelsonville (3 locations) Wauseon (5 locations)
East Sparta (1 location) New Albany (2 locations) Waverly (4 locations)
Eastlake (2 locations) New Bremen (1 location) Wayne (2 locations)
Eaton (4 locations) New Carlisle (2 locations) Waynesburg (1 location)
Edison (1 location) New Franklin (5 locations) Waynesville (2 locations)
Elida (1 location) New Lebanon (2 locations) Wellington (1 location)
Englewood (1 location) New Lexington (1 location) Wellston (2 locations)
Etna (4 locations) New London (1 location) Wellsville (2 locations)
Euclid (2 locations) New Middletown (1 location) West Alexandria (2 locations)
Fairborn (7 locations) New Philadelphia (5 locations) West Jefferson (1 location)
Fairfield (8 locations) New Richmond (3 locations) West Milton (2 locations)
Fairport Harbor (1 location) Newark (13 locations) West Unity (1 location)
Farmersville (3 locations) Newbury (3 locations) Westlake (4 locations)
Fayetteville (1 location) Newcomerstown (1 location) Wheelersburg (3 locations)
Findlay (6 locations) Newton Falls (2 locations) Whitehouse (2 locations)
Fleming (1 location) Niles (5 locations) Wickliffe (5 locations)
Fletcher (2 locations) North Baltimore (1 location) Williamsburg (2 locations)
Forest (1 location) North Bend (1 location) Williamsfield (1 location)
Fort Jennings (3 locations) North Canton (2 locations) Willoughby Hills (2 locations)
Fostoria (1 location) North Lewisburg (2 locations) Willowick (3 locations)
Fowler (1 location) North Lima (1 location) Wilmington (6 locations)
Franklin (8 locations) North Olmsted (4 locations) Wilmot (1 location)
Fredericksburg (5 locations) North Ridgeville (5 locations) Winchester (2 locations)
Fremont (6 locations) North Royalton (3 locations) Windham (1 location)
Fresno (1 location) Northfield (9 locations) Windsor (1 location)
Gahanna (1 location) Northwood (1 location) Woodsfield (1 location)
Galena (6 locations) Norton (4 locations) Wooster (8 locations)
Galion (6 locations) Norwalk (1 location) Worthington (7 locations)
Gallipolis (1 location) Norwood (1 location) Wshngtn Ct Hs (2 locations)
Galloway (4 locations) Novelty (1 location) Xenia (10 locations)
Gambier (1 location) Oak Hill (1 location) Yellow Springs (2 locations)
Garrettsville (2 locations) Oakwood (1 location) Zanesville (8 locations)
Geneva (5 locations) Oberlin (1 location)
Ohio Roofing Contractors by County:
Adams County (3) Guernsey County (6) Muskingum County (15)
Allen County (8) Hamilton County (135) Ottawa County (7)
Ashland County (3) Hancock County (9) Paulding County (4)
Ashtabula County (27) Hardin County (4) Perry County (5)
Athens County (10) Harrison County (2) Pickaway County (15)
Auglaize County (7) Henry County (3) Pike County (4)
Belmont County (8) Highland County (3) Portage County (37)
Brown County (7) Hocking County (8) Preble County (12)
Butler County (53) Holmes County (10) Putnam County (6)
Carroll County (5) Huron County (7) Richland County (25)
Champaign County (13) Jackson County (6) Ross County (6)
Clark County (19) Jefferson County (5) Sandusky County (7)
Clermont County (48) Knox County (13) Scioto County (9)
Clinton County (8) Lake County (56) Seneca County (9)
Columbiana County (10) Lawrence County (6) Shelby County (7)
Coshocton County (9) Licking County (28) Stark County (83)
Crawford County (10) Logan County (6) Summit County (108)
Cuyahoga County (186) Lorain County (60) Trumbull County (31)
Darke County (11) Lucas County (68) Tuscarawas County (29)
Defiance County (6) Madison County (14) Union County (5)
Delaware County (43) Mahoning County (32) Van Wert County (5)
Erie County (10) Marion County (15) Vinton County (1)
Fairfield County (24) Medina County (37) Warren County (34)
Fayette County (3) Meigs County (2) Washington County (7)
Franklin County (185) Mercer County (7) Wayne County (26)
Fulton County (12) Miami County (25) Williams County (3)
Gallia County (4) Monroe County (1) Wood County (19)
Geauga County (29) Montgomery County (89) Wyandot County (1)
Greene County (38) Morrow County (2)

If an Ohio roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Ohio Roofing

As economic times have gotten tighter, homeowners have become increasingly cautious in Ohio, taking extra steps in seeking roofing contractors. The state's Better Business Bureau noted that in Central Ohio alone, it logged more than 52,000 questions from consumers about roofing contractors. Note these were inquiries as to their records, not complaints. But this figure places inquiries for roofers--of which there are more than 200 contractors in Central Ohio alone--as the top inquiry for the regional bureau.

Typical Climate In Ohio

Ohio is considered to have a temperate climate, with cold winters and mild summers. More than half of the annual rainfall occurs from May to October. In the central part of the state, about 125 days a year see temperatures dip below freezing, with a rather moderate mean temperature during the year: Normal lows are in the low 40s, while the normal high is in the low 60s. The state is prone to severe lake-effect snowstorms near the southeast shore of Lake Erie, residing in an area labeled as the Snowbelt.

Common Roofing Issues In Ohio

An Ohio roofing contractor identifies leaks as the most common issue in the state, but notes multiple problems that cause them, including:

  • Joints and seams, either between separate parts of the building or between two dissimilar building materials. Because any building movement is concentrated at the weak points, this is where leakage can generally be traced.
  • Glazing bars and skylights can weaken when the putty seal between the glazing bar and the glass dries out and shrinks. The problem is made worse due to movement because of natural expansion and contraction. Skylights are often made from thermosetting plastics such as perspex or acrylic, substances that after prolonged exposure to sunlight become brittle. As such, they often crack.
  • Gutters and standing water areas. Gutters can leak at the joints, bolt holes, or the junction of the gutter and downspout. Standing water results because of a poor roof design of structural defect, which is exacerbated when the extra weight of the standing water damages the roof substrate.

Licensing In Ohio

General contractors -- which includes roofers -- don't need to be licensed by the State of Ohio. However, they may need to be licensed at the local level, and as such need to contact the city or county in which their project is planned to verify requirements.

Energy Efficient Roofs In Ohio

ENERGY STAR lists 23 roofing partners in Ohio, ranging from metal roofers (64 Metals, Classic Metal Roofing Systems, Republic Powdered Metals Inc.) to specialty coatings and adhesives companies (KST Coatings Manufacturing Inc., Soprema Inc.). Only California has more ENERGY STAR partners than Ohio in the United States.

Unusual Roofs In Ohio

The state's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a roughly 160-foot tower attached to a triangular glass roof/structure overlooking Lake Erie as part of Cleveland's North Coast Harbor. Architect I.M. Pei used dramatic angular planes and cantilevered spaces in an attempt to convey music's dynamic nature. In Canton, the Pro Football Hall of Fame is one of the most recognizable buildings in the state, if not the States. From the circular museum's roof protrudes a giant white half-football dome, with gold lines representing the ball's stitching.