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Roofing Contractors > Oregon Roofers

Oregon Roofing Contractors

Choose an Oregon municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Oregon roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Oregonian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in OR.

There are 638 Roofing Contractors in the State of Oregon (OR).
Beaverton (19 locations) Gresham (11 locations) Roseburg (12 locations)
Bend (22 locations) Hillsboro (24 locations) Salem (38 locations)
Central Point (10 locations) Medford (14 locations) Springfield (13 locations)
Eugene (26 locations) Oregon City (14 locations) Tigard (9 locations)
Grants Pass (19 locations) Portland (105 locations) Tillamook (8 locations)
Albany (8 locations) Gaston (5 locations) Powell Butte (1 location)
Aloha (2 locations) Gervais (1 location) Powers (1 location)
Alsea (1 location) Gladstone (3 locations) Prairie City (1 location)
Amity (1 location) Glenwood (1 location) Prineville (3 locations)
Ashland (1 location) Gold Beach (1 location) Rainier (3 locations)
Astoria (3 locations) Gold Hill (2 locations) Redmond (5 locations)
Aumsville (1 location) Hammond (1 location) Reedsport (3 locations)
Aurora (2 locations) Happy Valley (1 location) Rickreall (1 location)
Baker City (1 location) Hermiston (1 location) Rogue River (1 location)
Bandon (1 location) Hood River (7 locations) Rose Lodge (1 location)
Banks (3 locations) Hubbard (1 location) Saint Helens (4 locations)
Bay City (1 location) Island City (1 location) Sandy (4 locations)
Beavercreek (1 location) Jacksonville (1 location) Scappoose (3 locations)
Boardman (1 location) Jefferson (1 location) Scio (3 locations)
Boring (3 locations) Keizer (6 locations) Seaside (1 location)
Brookings (2 locations) Klamath Falls (7 locations) Selma (1 location)
Brownsville (2 locations) La Pine (1 location) Sheridan (2 locations)
Canby (6 locations) Lafayette (1 location) Sherwood (4 locations)
Cave Junction (1 location) Lake Oswego (5 locations) Silverton (4 locations)
Cheshire (1 location) Lebanon (4 locations) South Beach (1 location)
Clackamas (6 locations) Lincoln City (1 location) Stanfield (1 location)
Colton (1 location) Logsden (1 location) Stayton (1 location)
Coos Bay (4 locations) Madras (1 location) Sutherlin (2 locations)
Coquille (1 location) McMinnville (3 locations) Sweet Home (2 locations)
Cornelius (3 locations) Merlin (2 locations) Talent (3 locations)
Corvallis (3 locations) Milton Freewater (2 locations) Tangent (2 locations)
Cottage Grove (2 locations) Milwaukie (5 locations) The Dalles (5 locations)
Creswell (2 locations) Molalla (2 locations) Troutdale (1 location)
Crooked River Ranch (1 location) Monmouth (1 location) Tualatin (5 locations)
Culver (1 location) Mount Angel (1 location) Turner (2 locations)
Dallas (2 locations) Mount Hood Parkdale (1 location) Vale (1 location)
Damascus (4 locations) Myrtle Creek (1 location) Veneta (2 locations)
Deadwood (1 location) Newberg (6 locations) Waldport (2 locations)
Depoe Bay (1 location) Newport (1 location) Wallowa (1 location)
Dorena (1 location) North Bend (1 location) Walton (1 location)
Drain (1 location) North Plains (2 locations) Warren (1 location)
Dundee (1 location) Nyssa (1 location) White City (3 locations)
Eagle Point (3 locations) Oakland (1 location) Willamina (2 locations)
Elmira (2 locations) Ontario (4 locations) Wilsonville (2 locations)
Estacada (5 locations) Otis (4 locations) Winston (1 location)
Fairview (4 locations) Pendleton (3 locations) Wood Village (1 location)
Fall Creek (1 location) Philomath (1 location) Woodburn (5 locations)
Florence (4 locations) Phoenix (2 locations) Yamhill (2 locations)
Forest Grove (4 locations) Pleasant Hill (1 location)
Oregon Roofing Contractors by County:
County (1) Grant County (1) Morrow County (1)
Baker County (1) Hood River County (8) Multnomah County (94)
Benton County (5) Jackson County (40) Polk County (7)
Clackamas County (71) Jefferson County (3) Tillamook County (9)
Clatsop County (5) Josephine County (23) Umatilla County (7)
Columbia County (11) Klamath County (7) Union County (1)
Coos County (8) Lane County (57) Wallowa County (1)
Crook County (4) Lincoln County (12) Wasco County (5)
Curry County (3) Linn County (21) Washington County (96)
Deschutes County (28) Malheur County (6) Yamhill County (18)
Douglas County (21) Marion County (63)

If an Oregon roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Oregon Roofing

Roofing contractors provide one of the most important functions in the building process. Their responsibilities range from consultation to installation and repair. Roofing contractors can recommend the best type of roofing for your area. Residential roofing contractors work mostly with asphalt, metal, and sometimes cedar shank, depending on the location and the amount the owner wants to pay for roofing. Responsibilities also include waterproofing and winterizing roofs.

Typical Climate

Oregon's overall temperate climate is divided into two regions by the Cascade Range. In the West, the state experiences heavy rainfall and moderate weather. In the East, Oregon is drier with less moderate temperatures. Winter temperatures can range from 45 degrees to 25 degrees, depending heavily on elevation. Summer temperatures vary 65 degrees to 78 degrees, with the warmer temperatures in the East, and the cooler temperatures in the central valleys. The coolest temperature on record was -54 degrees on February 10, 1933. The hottest temperature was 119 degrees on August 10, 1898.

Common Roofing Issues

In Oregon, ice dams are a common roofing problem. Ice dams are formed when the ice and snow on a rooftop melts and then refreezes due to improper roofing insulation. This creates lots of pressure on the roof, causing it to cave in and leak. Another common roofing problem in Oregon is the overgrowth of moss. This is especially true in the western parts of the state, when heavy rainfall creates a damp environment for the moss to thrive. Over time, moss can damage a roof. Although it has no roots and can grow on most surfaces, moss cannot grow on metal, which makes this roofing material most desirable in parts of the state that are prone to overgrowth.


In Oregon, residential roofing contractors are required to be licensed by the state. As a specialty residential contractor, roofers must obtain a $15,000 bond, and be insured up to $300,000. Consumers can contact the Oregon Contractors Board to find out if a roofing professional has been officially licensed through the state.

Energy Efficient Roofs

In the state of Oregon, Malarkey Roofing is an ENERGY STAR partner. Created in 1956, Malarkey Roofing is a family-owned business providing energy-efficient roofing for homes. Oregon's Best Roof uses the Interlock Roofing metal roof, an ENERGY STAR-rated system that's embedded with Dupont Teflon Surface Protector. This system is a maintenance-free, lifetime warranty product that's fire-resistant and leaves no negative impact on the environment.

Unusual Roofs

In Oregon, there are two buildings whose rooftop architecture stands out. The first building is the Central Lutheran Church. Made in 1951 of wood and brick, this building has an unusual cross-hatched rooftop, with a steeple. The second building is Eugene City Hall. This city hall is quite different from other city halls, with a decidedly modern interpretation. It features a curved, yet flat rooftop, with skylights.