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Roofing Contractors > Pennsylvania Roofers

Pennsylvania Roofing Contractors

Choose a Pennsylvania municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Pennsylvania roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Pennsylvanian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in PA.

There are 1848 Roofing Contractors in the State of Pennsylvania (PA).
Allentown (16 locations) Erie (23 locations) Reading (24 locations)
Bensalem (15 locations) Harrisburg (28 locations) Scranton (13 locations)
Bethlehem (14 locations) Lancaster (17 locations) Southampton (13 locations)
Butler (13 locations) Philadelphia (171 locations) Warminster (13 locations)
Coatesville (14 locations) Pittsburgh (78 locations) York (20 locations)
Abington (4 locations) Girard (1 location) Old Forge (1 location)
Airville (1 location) Glen Mills (5 locations) Oley (4 locations)
Albrightsville (1 location) Glen Rock (2 locations) Olyphant (2 locations)
Alburtis (2 locations) Glenmoore (3 locations) Oreland (3 locations)
Aliquippa (1 location) Glenolden (3 locations) Orrtanna (1 location)
Allison Park (2 locations) Glenshaw (1 location) Orwigsburg (1 location)
Altoona (8 locations) Glenside (12 locations) Oxford (3 locations)
Ambler (11 locations) Glenville (1 location) Palm (1 location)
Ambridge (2 locations) Gordonville (5 locations) Palmerton (4 locations)
Analomink (1 location) Gratz (1 location) Palmyra (2 locations)
Annville (1 location) Green Lane (2 locations) Paoli (1 location)
Ardmore (4 locations) Greencastle (1 location) Paradise (2 locations)
Ashville (1 location) Greensburg (10 locations) Parkesburg (3 locations)
Aston (5 locations) Grove City (2 locations) Peach Bottom (1 location)
Atlantic (2 locations) Guys Mills (1 location) Peckville (1 location)
Avella (3 locations) Halifax (1 location) Pen Argyl (2 locations)
Bala Cynwyd (2 locations) Hallstead (1 location) Pennsburg (3 locations)
Bangor (6 locations) Hanover (8 locations) Pequea (1 location)
Barto (2 locations) Harleysville (1 location) Perkasie (8 locations)
Bath (7 locations) Harmonsburg (1 location) Perkiomenville (2 locations)
Bear Creek Township (1 location) Harrison City (1 location) Phila (2 locations)
Beaver Falls (1 location) Harrison Valley (1 location) Phoenixville (3 locations)
Beaver Meadows (1 location) Harveys Lake (2 locations) Pipersville (4 locations)
Bedford (1 location) Hatboro (6 locations) Pitcairn (1 location)
Bedminster (1 location) Hatfield (5 locations) Plains (1 location)
Belle Vernon (4 locations) Havertown (3 locations) Pleasant Gap (1 location)
Bellefonte (1 location) Hazle Township (1 location) Pleasantville (1 location)
Belleville (5 locations) Hazleton (4 locations) Plumsteadville (2 locations)
Bellevue (1 location) Hellertown (1 location) Plymouth (1 location)
Bellwood (1 location) Henryville (1 location) Plymouth Meeting (6 locations)
Berlin (1 location) Hermitage (2 locations) Pocono Lake (1 location)
Bernville (1 location) Hollidaysburg (3 locations) Pocono Pines (1 location)
Berwick (2 locations) Holmes (2 locations) Pocopson (1 location)
Berwyn (2 locations) Holtwood (2 locations) Point Marion (2 locations)
Bethel (1 location) Homestead (3 locations) Polk (1 location)
Bethel Park (4 locations) Honesdale (2 locations) Port Allegany (1 location)
Biglerville (1 location) Honey Brook (1 location) Port Royal (1 location)
Birchrunville (1 location) Hookstown (3 locations) Port Trevorton (1 location)
Bird in Hand (1 location) Hop Bottom (1 location) Portage (2 locations)
Birdsboro (4 locations) Horsham (4 locations) Pottstown (7 locations)
Blakeslee (1 location) Houston (2 locations) Pottsville (4 locations)
Blandon (1 location) Howard (1 location) Prospect Park (3 locations)
Bloomsburg (1 location) Hummelstown (3 locations) Punxsutawney (3 locations)
Blossburg (1 location) Hunlock Creek (1 location) Quakertown (9 locations)
Boalsburg (1 location) Huntingdon (1 location) Quarryville (3 locations)
Boswell (1 location) Huntingdon Valley (10 locations) Quentin (1 location)
Bowmanstown (1 location) Hyndman (1 location) Reamstown (1 location)
Boyers (1 location) Imler (1 location) Rebersburg (1 location)
Boyertown (1 location) Indiana (4 locations) Red Lion (1 location)
Brackney (1 location) Industry (1 location) Rehrersburg (1 location)
Braddock (1 location) Irwin (7 locations) Renfrew (1 location)
Bradenville (1 location) Jamestown (1 location) Richboro (2 locations)
Bradford (2 locations) Jamison (3 locations) Ridgway (1 location)
Bridgeport (2 locations) Jeannette (3 locations) Ridley Park (2 locations)
Bridgeville (5 locations) Jenkintown (3 locations) Riegelsville (1 location)
Bristol (7 locations) Jersey Shore (3 locations) Robesonia (3 locations)
Brogue (1 location) Jessup (2 locations) Ronks (3 locations)
Brookhaven (1 location) Jim Thorpe (1 location) Roulette (1 location)
Broomall (3 locations) Johnsonburg (1 location) Royersford (2 locations)
Bryn Mawr (2 locations) Johnstown (5 locations) S Abingtn Twp (1 location)
Cairnbrook (1 location) Jonestown (1 location) Sadsburyville (1 location)
Cambridge Springs (1 location) Julian (1 location) Saegertown (1 location)
Camp Hill (3 locations) Kane (1 location) Saint Clair (3 locations)
Canonsburg (8 locations) Kennett Square (1 location) Saint Marys (1 location)
Canton (1 location) Kersey (1 location) Saint Thomas (1 location)
Carlisle (8 locations) King of Prussia (5 locations) Salisbury (1 location)
Carnegie (5 locations) Kingston (5 locations) Saltsburg (3 locations)
Catawissa (1 location) Kinzers (2 locations) Sandy Lake (2 locations)
Center Valley (2 locations) Kittanning (1 location) Sarver (1 location)
Chadds Ford (2 locations) Kunkletown (2 locations) Saylorsburg (4 locations)
Chalfont (9 locations) Kutztown (3 locations) Sayre (3 locations)
Chambersburg (5 locations) Lafayette Hill (3 locations) Schellsburg (1 location)
Charleroi (1 location) Lake Ariel (3 locations) Schuylkill Haven (6 locations)
Cheltenham (4 locations) Lake Lynn (3 locations) Schwenksville (3 locations)
Chester (4 locations) Landenberg (1 location) Scottdale (3 locations)
Chester Township (1 location) Landisville (3 locations) Secane (1 location)
Cheswick (1 location) Langhorne (9 locations) Selinsgrove (2 locations)
Chicora (3 locations) Lansdale (5 locations) Sellersville (4 locations)
Chinchilla (1 location) Lansdowne (2 locations) Seneca (2 locations)
Clairton (3 locations) Latrobe (2 locations) Seven Fields (1 location)
Clarion (4 locations) Lattimer Mines (1 location) Sewickley (1 location)
Clarks Summit (2 locations) Laurelton (1 location) Shamokin (2 locations)
Clearfield (1 location) Lebanon (6 locations) Sharon (1 location)
Cleona (1 location) Leechburg (1 location) Sharpsville (1 location)
Clifford Township (1 location) Leesport (1 location) Shavertown (1 location)
Clifton Heights (2 locations) Lehighton (1 location) Shickshinny (1 location)
Clinton (1 location) Lemoyne (2 locations) Shippensburg (3 locations)
Coal Township (4 locations) Leola (2 locations) Sinking Spring (1 location)
Cochranton (2 locations) Lester (1 location) Sipesville (1 location)
Cogan Station (1 location) Levittown (9 locations) Slatington (5 locations)
Collegeville (2 locations) Lewisberry (2 locations) Slippery Rock (3 locations)
Collingdale (2 locations) Lewisburg (3 locations) Somerset (6 locations)
Colmar (1 location) Lewistown (5 locations) Souderton (2 locations)
Columbia (3 locations) Library (1 location) Spartansburg (1 location)
Colver (1 location) Lincoln University (1 location) Spraggs (1 location)
Conemaugh (1 location) Lititz (10 locations) Spring City (2 locations)
Conneaut Lake (2 locations) Littlestown (1 location) Spring Glen (1 location)
Connellsville (1 location) Lock Haven (3 locations) Spring Grove (2 locations)
Conshohocken (3 locations) Long Pond (2 locations) Springboro (1 location)
Coopersburg (1 location) Luthersburg (1 location) Springdale (1 location)
Cooperstown (1 location) Luzerne (2 locations) Springfield (4 locations)
Coplay (1 location) Macungie (1 location) Springville (1 location)
Coraopolis (7 locations) Madison Township (1 location) State College (2 locations)
Corry (1 location) Malvern (6 locations) State Line (1 location)
Covington Township (1 location) Manchester (1 location) Stevens (2 locations)
Cranberry (1 location) Manheim (6 locations) Stillwater (1 location)
Cranberry Township (2 locations) Marcus Hook (2 locations) Stoystown (1 location)
Croydon (3 locations) Marietta (1 location) Strasburg (3 locations)
Crystal Spring (1 location) Marion Center (1 location) Stroudsburg (3 locations)
Dallas (3 locations) Mars (1 location) Sunbury (1 location)
Dallastown (3 locations) Marshalls Creek (1 location) Sybertsville (1 location)
Danville (1 location) Martinsburg (1 location) Tamaqua (1 location)
Darby (3 locations) Marysville (1 location) Tannersville (1 location)
Dauberville (1 location) Mayfield (1 location) Tarentum (2 locations)
Dauphin (1 location) Mc Connellsburg (1 location) Tatamy (1 location)
Delmont (2 locations) Mc Donald (1 location) Taylor (1 location)
Denver (3 locations) Mc Kees Rocks (3 locations) Telford (2 locations)
Derry (1 location) Mc Veytown (2 locations) Temple (4 locations)
Dickson City (2 locations) McAdoo (1 location) Thomasville (3 locations)
Dillsburg (2 locations) McKeesport (2 locations) Thompson (1 location)
Dingmans Ferry (2 locations) Meadville (1 location) Thompsontown (1 location)
Donora (1 location) Mechanicsburg (8 locations) Throop (1 location)
Dover (6 locations) Media (6 locations) Tioga (1 location)
Downingtown (3 locations) Mercer (6 locations) Titusville (1 location)
Doylestown (5 locations) Merion Station (1 location) Tobyhanna (1 location)
Dresher (2 locations) Mertztown (1 location) Toughkenamon (2 locations)
Drexel Hill (6 locations) Meshoppen (1 location) Towanda (1 location)
Drums (1 location) Meyersdale (1 location) Trafford (2 locations)
Du Bois (3 locations) Middleburg (2 locations) Trappe (1 location)
Dunbar (1 location) Middlebury Center (1 location) Tremont (1 location)
Duncansville (2 locations) Middletown (2 locations) Trout Run (1 location)
Dunmore (2 locations) Midland (1 location) Trumbauersville (2 locations)
East Berlin (4 locations) Mifflinburg (4 locations) Tunkhannock (1 location)
East Earl (2 locations) Milanville (1 location) Turtle Creek (5 locations)
East Greenville (1 location) Milford (3 locations) Ulysses (1 location)
East Stroudsburg (3 locations) Millersville (2 locations) Union City (3 locations)
Easton (12 locations) Millville (1 location) Uniontown (4 locations)
Ebensburg (2 locations) Milton (2 locations) Upper Black Eddy (3 locations)
Edinburg (1 location) Mohnton (2 locations) Upper Chichester (4 locations)
Eighty Four (2 locations) Monaca (2 locations) Upper Darby (2 locations)
Elizabeth (2 locations) Monongahela (3 locations) Valencia (1 location)
Elizabethtown (7 locations) Monroeville (3 locations) Vandergrift (3 locations)
Elizabethville (1 location) Montgomery (1 location) Venetia (3 locations)
Elkins Park (1 location) Montoursville (3 locations) Verona (2 locations)
Ellwood City (3 locations) Morgantown (2 locations) Villanova (1 location)
Elverson (1 location) Morrisdale (1 location) Wallingford (1 location)
Emmaus (4 locations) Morrisville (3 locations) Walnutport (1 location)
Enola (3 locations) Morton (3 locations) Wampum (1 location)
Ephrata (8 locations) Moscow (2 locations) Warfordsburg (1 location)
Essington (1 location) Mount Bethel (1 location) Warren (3 locations)
Etna (1 location) Mount Holly Springs (1 location) Warrington (6 locations)
Etters (1 location) Mount Joy (7 locations) Washington (6 locations)
Evans City (3 locations) Mount Pleasant (2 locations) Waterford (1 location)
Everett (1 location) Mount Wolf (2 locations) Watsontown (3 locations)
Export (3 locations) Mountain Top (3 locations) Wattsburg (1 location)
Exton (1 location) Mountainhome (1 location) Wayne (4 locations)
Eynon (1 location) Mountville (2 locations) Waynesboro (3 locations)
Factoryville (1 location) Murrysville (3 locations) Waynesburg (1 location)
Fairchance (1 location) Myerstown (2 locations) Weatherly (4 locations)
Fairfield (2 locations) N Abingtn Twp (1 location) Wellsboro (1 location)
Fairless Hills (3 locations) Nanticoke (3 locations) Wernersville (4 locations)
Fairview (1 location) Nanty Glo (1 location) West Chester (13 locations)
Falls (1 location) Narvon (3 locations) West Grove (2 locations)
Fawn Grove (1 location) Natrona Heights (1 location) West Middlesex (1 location)
Fayetteville (2 locations) Nazareth (3 locations) West Mifflin (1 location)
Feasterville Trevose (11 locations) Nelson (1 location) West Milton (1 location)
Finleyville (4 locations) New Castle (8 locations) West Newton (2 locations)
Fleetville (1 location) New Cumberland (5 locations) West Pittston (1 location)
Fleetwood (5 locations) New Enterprise (1 location) West Sunbury (1 location)
Flourtown (1 location) New Freedom (1 location) Westfield (1 location)
Folcroft (1 location) New Holland (8 locations) Wexford (2 locations)
Folsom (1 location) New Hope (1 location) White Haven (2 locations)
Fombell (2 locations) New Kensington (5 locations) Whitehall (2 locations)
Ford City (2 locations) New Milford (2 locations) Wiconisco (1 location)
Forest City (2 locations) New Oxford (3 locations) Wilkes Barre (8 locations)
Fort Loudon (2 locations) New Paris (1 location) Williamsport (8 locations)
Fort Washington (2 locations) New Providence (3 locations) Willow Grove (5 locations)
Forty Fort (1 location) New Ringgold (2 locations) Wind Gap (1 location)
Frackville (1 location) New Tripoli (2 locations) Windber (3 locations)
Franklin (3 locations) Newburg (4 locations) Winfield (1 location)
Fredericksburg (1 location) Newport (3 locations) Woodlyn (1 location)
Fredonia (2 locations) Newtown (2 locations) Wrightsville (1 location)
Freedom (2 locations) Newtown Square (6 locations) Wynnewood (2 locations)
Freemansburg (2 locations) Newville (4 locations) Wyoming (6 locations)
Friendsville (1 location) Norristown (12 locations) Yardley (2 locations)
Furlong (2 locations) North East (3 locations) Yoe (1 location)
Gap (6 locations) North Versailles (4 locations) York Springs (1 location)
Gardners (1 location) North Wales (4 locations) Youngsville (1 location)
Georgetown (1 location) Northampton (4 locations) Youngwood (1 location)
Gettysburg (5 locations) Norwood (3 locations) Zelienople (1 location)
Gibsonia (3 locations) Oakdale (2 locations)
Gilbertsville (1 location) Oil City (3 locations)
Pennsylvania Roofing Contractors by County:
Adams County (19) Elk County (4) Montour County (1)
Allegheny County (148) Erie County (34) Northampton County (55)
Armstrong County (4) Fayette County (16) Northumberland County (12)
Beaver County (17) Franklin County (15) Perry County (4)
Bedford County (7) Fulton County (3) Philadelphia County (173)
Berks County (66) Greene County (2) Pike County (5)
Blair County (15) Huntingdon County (1) Potter County (3)
Bradford County (5) Indiana County (8) Schuylkill County (21)
Bucks County (152) Jefferson County (3) Snyder County (5)
Butler County (32) Juniata County (2) Somerset County (16)
Cambria County (13) Lackawanna County (36) Susquehanna County (11)
Carbon County (13) Lancaster County (119) Tioga County (6)
Centre County (8) Lawrence County (13) Union County (10)
Chester County (67) Lebanon County (15) Venango County (12)
Clarion County (4) Lehigh County (36) Warren County (4)
Clearfield County (6) Luzerne County (50) Washington County (34)
Clinton County (3) Lycoming County (17) Wayne County (7)
Columbia County (6) McKean County (4) Westmoreland County (51)
Crawford County (14) Mercer County (18) Wyoming County (4)
Cumberland County (41) Mifflin County (12) York County (60)
Dauphin County (38) Monroe County (23)
Delaware County (93) Montgomery County (152)

If a Pennsylvania roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Pennsylvania Roofing

Roofing contractors are essential to the building process. They are responsible for consulting, new roof installation and repairing damaged roofs. Roofing contractors often know and recommend the best roofing system for your area. On the residential side, roofing contractors work with metal and asphalt. Roofing contractors also work with cedar shank in certain climates. Other responsibilities include both waterproofing and winterizing roofs.

Typical Climate

Pennsylvania experiences a varying range of climate. In the southern part of the state, temperatures are usually warmer. This area is also marked by a lower elevation. The areas with higher elevation experience cooler temperatures year around. The average yearly temperatures range from a minimum of 41 degrees to a maximum of 64 degrees. The record cold in Pennsylvania was -42 degrees on January 5, 1904. The record heat in the state was 111 degrees on July 10, 1936. Philadelphia experiences about 42 inches of rainfall yearly, making it the wettest part of the state. However, it does have its share of sunshine, averaging 56 percent of sunny days through the year. In the Lake Erie region, annual snowfall reaches 54 inches, with a winter that can last until April.


The state of Pennsylvania doesn't require its roofing contractors to be licensed. There are organizations that provide information for the consumer, concerning roofing contractor reliability. The most prominent of these organizations is the Better Business Bureau. Another valuable place to check are professional organizations like the North East Roofing Contractors Association. Although not a consumer advocacy group, this association provides an additional resource for homeowners searching for a reputable roofing contractor.

Energy Efficient Roofs

In Pennsylvania, there are several ENERGY STAR-rated roofing manufacturers. These include Fabral, Everlast Roofing Inc. and Drexel Metal Corp. Metal, single-ply roofing systems provide the most energy efficient roofs. When choosing a residential roofing contractor, select one who uses metal-based roofs, specifically those systems from ENERGY STAR partners.

Unusual Roofs

Pennsylvania has a fair share of unusual rooftops. The Lang Music building at Swarthmore College has a glass roof. The Vanna Venturi House has an asymmetrical rooftop. Its most unusual feature is the fact that the chimney rises through the gable.