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Roofing Contractors > Tennessee Roofers

Tennessee Roofing Contractors

Choose a Tennessee municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Tennessee roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Tennessean roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in TN.

There are 1014 Roofing Contractors in the State of Tennessee (TN).
Chattanooga (36 locations) Goodlettsville (13 locations) Maryville (14 locations)
Clarksville (16 locations) Hendersonville (13 locations) Memphis (88 locations)
Cleveland (12 locations) Kingsport (17 locations) Murfreesboro (34 locations)
Columbia (13 locations) Knoxville (70 locations) Nashville (71 locations)
Franklin (14 locations) Lebanon (12 locations) Springfield (11 locations)
Adams (1 location) Gadsden (1 location) Mountain City (3 locations)
Alamo (2 locations) Gallatin (8 locations) Munford (1 location)
Alcoa (3 locations) Georgetown (1 location) New Market (1 location)
Andersonville (2 locations) Gleason (1 location) Newbern (1 location)
Antioch (1 location) Gordonsville (1 location) Newport (1 location)
Arlington (3 locations) Gray (2 locations) Nolensville (2 locations)
Ashland City (2 locations) Greenback (1 location) Oak Ridge (4 locations)
Athens (6 locations) Greenbrier (2 locations) Oakdale (2 locations)
Bartlett (9 locations) Greeneville (6 locations) Oakland (3 locations)
Baxter (1 location) Grimsley (1 location) Old Hickory (4 locations)
Bean Station (1 location) Hampton (1 location) Oliver Springs (1 location)
Belfast (1 location) Harriman (1 location) Oneida (2 locations)
Bethel Springs (1 location) Harrison (3 locations) Ooltewah (7 locations)
Bethpage (4 locations) Harrogate (1 location) Paris (3 locations)
Big Sandy (1 location) Hartsville (1 location) Parrottsville (1 location)
Blaine (1 location) Heiskell (2 locations) Philadelphia (1 location)
Blountville (3 locations) Henderson (3 locations) Pigeon Forge (2 locations)
Bluff City (4 locations) Henry (1 location) Piney Flats (2 locations)
Bolivar (1 location) Hermitage (4 locations) Pioneer (1 location)
Bon Aqua (1 location) Hixson (6 locations) Pleasant View (2 locations)
Bradyville (1 location) Huntsville (1 location) Portland (3 locations)
Brentwood (8 locations) Jacks Creek (1 location) Powell (6 locations)
Brighton (2 locations) Jacksboro (2 locations) Pulaski (3 locations)
Bristol (6 locations) Jackson (11 locations) Quebeck (1 location)
Brownsville (2 locations) Jamestown (1 location) Riceville (4 locations)
Brush Creek (1 location) Jasper (3 locations) Riddleton (1 location)
Burns (1 location) Joelton (3 locations) Rockford (1 location)
Butler (1 location) Johnson City (9 locations) Rockvale (1 location)
Camden (1 location) Jonesborough (3 locations) Rogersville (3 locations)
Carthage (3 locations) Kimberlin Heights (1 location) Rossville (1 location)
Castalian Springs (1 location) Kingston (1 location) Rutherford (3 locations)
Chapmansboro (3 locations) Kingston Springs (2 locations) Rutledge (1 location)
Charlotte (1 location) Kodak (1 location) Sale Creek (1 location)
Christiana (1 location) La Follette (3 locations) Santa Fe (2 locations)
Chuckey (3 locations) La Vergne (6 locations) Savannah (3 locations)
Church Hill (3 locations) Lafayette (2 locations) Selmer (1 location)
Clinton (4 locations) Lakeland (2 locations) Sevierville (10 locations)
College Dale (1 location) Lancing (1 location) Seymour (4 locations)
College Grove (1 location) Lascassas (2 locations) Sharon (1 location)
Collierville (4 locations) Laurel Bloomery (1 location) Shelbyville (4 locations)
Concord (1 location) Lawrenceburg (5 locations) Signal Mountain (1 location)
Cookeville (10 locations) Lenoir City (4 locations) Silver Point (1 location)
Cordova (7 locations) Leoma (1 location) Smithville (2 locations)
Corryton (4 locations) Lewisburg (3 locations) Smyrna (10 locations)
Cottontown (1 location) Lexington (2 locations) Sneedville (1 location)
Covington (1 location) Limestone (1 location) Soddy Daisy (7 locations)
Cowan (1 location) Livingston (1 location) Sparta (5 locations)
Crossville (11 locations) Lobelville (1 location) Spring City (1 location)
Cumberland City (1 location) Loretto (1 location) Spring Hill (5 locations)
Cumberland Furnace (2 locations) Loudon (6 locations) Strawberry Plains (1 location)
Dandridge (3 locations) Louisville (3 locations) Surgoinsville (1 location)
Dayton (4 locations) Madison (9 locations) Sweetwater (3 locations)
Decherd (2 locations) Madisonville (3 locations) Telford (2 locations)
Dickson (9 locations) Manchester (5 locations) Tellico Plains (1 location)
Dover (1 location) Martin (3 locations) Tennessee Ridge (2 locations)
Dresden (1 location) Mascot (1 location) Thompsons Station (2 locations)
Drummonds (1 location) Maynardville (7 locations) Trenton (1 location)
Dyer (1 location) Mc Donald (2 locations) Tullahoma (3 locations)
Dyersburg (4 locations) Mc Ewen (1 location) Union City (3 locations)
Eads (3 locations) Mc Kenzie (4 locations) Vonore (1 location)
East Ridge (1 location) McMinnville (8 locations) Walland (2 locations)
Elizabethton (9 locations) Mercer (1 location) Wartrace (1 location)
Elmwood (1 location) Middleton (3 locations) Washburn (1 location)
Englewood (1 location) Midway (1 location) Watauga (1 location)
Erin (2 locations) Milan (7 locations) Waverly (1 location)
Erwin (1 location) Millington (3 locations) Waynesboro (1 location)
Estill Springs (2 locations) Monteagle (2 locations) Westmoreland (3 locations)
Ethridge (1 location) Monterey (1 location) Westpoint (1 location)
Etowah (1 location) Morrison (1 location) White House (3 locations)
Fairview (3 locations) Morristown (7 locations) Whites Creek (1 location)
Fall Branch (1 location) Moscow (1 location) Whitesburg (1 location)
Fayetteville (2 locations) Mount Carmel (1 location) Whitwell (1 location)
Friendship (2 locations) Mount Juliet (11 locations) Williston (1 location)
Friendsville (1 location) Mount Pleasant (2 locations) Winchester (4 locations)
Tennessee Roofing Contractors by County:
Anderson County (10) Hamblen County (8) Morgan County (3)
Bedford County (5) Hamilton County (63) Obion County (3)
Benton County (2) Hancock County (1) Overton County (1)
Blount County (24) Hardeman County (4) Perry County (1)
Bradley County (14) Hardin County (3) Putnam County (13)
Campbell County (6) Hawkins County (8) Rhea County (5)
Cannon County (1) Haywood County (2) Roane County (3)
Carroll County (4) Henderson County (2) Robertson County (17)
Carter County (11) Henry County (4) Rutherford County (54)
Cheatham County (9) Hickman County (1) Scott County (3)
Chester County (4) Houston County (4) Sequatchie County (1)
Claiborne County (1) Humphreys County (2) Sevier County (17)
Cocke County (2) Jefferson County (5) Shelby County (119)
Coffee County (8) Johnson County (5) Smith County (7)
Crockett County (5) Knox County (85) Stewart County (2)
Cumberland County (11) Lawrence County (9) Sullivan County (32)
Davidson County (106) Lincoln County (2) Sumner County (33)
Dekalb County (2) Loudon County (12) Tipton County (5)
Dickson County (13) Macon County (2) Trousdale County (1)
Dyer County (5) Madison County (12) Unicoi County (1)
Fayette County (6) Marion County (3) Union County (7)
Fentress County (2) Marshall County (4) Warren County (9)
Franklin County (9) Maury County (22) Washington County (18)
Gibson County (12) McMinn County (12) Wayne County (1)
Giles County (3) McNairy County (2) Weakley County (6)
Grainger County (4) Meigs County (1) White County (6)
Greene County (10) Monroe County (8) Williamson County (30)
Grundy County (2) Montgomery County (16) Wilson County (23)

If a Tennessee roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Tennessee Roofing

One of the most ubiquitous professionals in construction is the roofing contractor. In addition to consultation, they are also responsible for roofing installation and repair. Roofing contractors recommend area-specific roofing systems. Roofing contractors who work on residential homes use asphalt and metal materials primarily. Some climates allow the use of cedar shank roofing. Additionally, waterproofing and winterizing roofs are a big part of a roofing contractor's job description.

Typical Climate

Tennessee experiences a temperate climate. Winters range from 36 degrees to 41 degrees, depending on the area of the state. Summers are between 78 degrees to 83 degrees. The eastern part of Tennessee sees colder temperatures, due to its higher elevation. The coolest temperature on record was -32 degrees on December 30, 1917. The warmest temperature was 113 degrees on August 9, 1930. Tennessee experiences a large amount of rainfall, primarily in March. Annual rainfall averages between 48 inches to 54 inches. Snowfall is approximately 10 inches annually, depending on the location.


The state of Tennessee requires all contractors to be licensed prior to working on a project. To obtain a license, a roofing contractor must have a reference letter, a current financial statement, and a copy of their charter.

Energy Efficient Roofs

ENERGY STAR recommends reflective roofing systems, which lower rooftop temperatures by up to 100 degrees. The minimum requirements for an ENERGY STAR roof is metal with a single-ply membrane. When choosing a contractor, find one that uses products created by ENERGY STAR partners like GAF-Elk and CertainTeed. In Tennessee, All Types Construction uses GAF-Elk products, and Cardinal Roofing uses CertainTeed products. GAF-Elk offers Marquis WeatherMax shingles that can withstand 80 mph wind. CertainTeed offers the energy-saving cool roof system called Landmark Solaris. Landmark Solaris reduces roof temperature up to 60 degrees.

Unusual Roofs

The most unusual roof in Tennessee belongs to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. This building has a rooftop made entirely of glass. Another interesting rooftop belongs to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Upgraded to a $37 million facility in 2001, the Hall features a concave, modern flat-roof. Its futuristic design makes it an instantly recognizable landmark in Nashville.