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Roofing Contractors > Virginia Roofers

Virginia Roofing Contractors

Choose a Virginia municipality to view the roofing contractors doing business near you. The cities with the most locations are highlighted at the top of the list. Services offered by roofing contractors may vary. However, just about all Virginia roofers will handle reroofing, roof leak repair, roofing construction, shingle installation, and gutter repairs.

Also, continue below to read about the matters that concern Virginian roofers and homeowners the most, including licensing, roof types, and problems specific to roofs in VA.

There are 954 Roofing Contractors in the State of Virginia (VA).
Alexandria (24 locations) Manassas (31 locations) Roanoke (22 locations)
Chesapeake (39 locations) Newport News (15 locations) Springfield (20 locations)
Fredericksburg (27 locations) Norfolk (30 locations) Virginia Beach (61 locations)
Hampton (22 locations) North Chesterfield (18 locations) Winchester (18 locations)
Lynchburg (22 locations) Richmond (40 locations) Woodbridge (22 locations)
Abingdon (3 locations) Fries (1 location) Penn Laird (1 location)
Alfonso (1 location) Front Royal (5 locations) Petersburg (1 location)
Altavista (1 location) Gainesville (3 locations) Poquoson (1 location)
Amelia Court House (1 location) Galax (1 location) Port Republic (1 location)
Annandale (6 locations) Gate City (2 locations) Portsmouth (13 locations)
Arlington (3 locations) Glade Spring (1 location) Potomac Falls (1 location)
Arrington (1 location) Glen Allen (7 locations) Pounding Mill (1 location)
Ashburn (1 location) Gloucester (3 locations) Powhatan (3 locations)
Ashland (9 locations) Goldvein (2 locations) Purcellville (1 location)
Axton (1 location) Goochland (1 location) Quicksburg (1 location)
Barboursville (1 location) Goodview (2 locations) Radford (2 locations)
Beaverdam (1 location) Gore (1 location) Reedville (1 location)
Bedford (4 locations) Halifax (2 locations) Reston (4 locations)
Bentonville (1 location) Harrisonburg (7 locations) Reva (1 location)
Berryville (1 location) Hayes (2 locations) Ridgeway (1 location)
Big Stone Gap (3 locations) Haymarket (8 locations) Rileyville (1 location)
Blacksburg (2 locations) Henrico (1 location) Riner (1 location)
Blackstone (1 location) Henry (1 location) Rochelle (1 location)
Bluemont (1 location) Herndon (7 locations) Rockingham (7 locations)
Boyce (1 location) Highland Springs (1 location) Rocky Mount (3 locations)
Bracey (1 location) Hopewell (1 location) Rosedale (2 locations)
Bremo Bluff (1 location) Howardsville (1 location) Roseland (1 location)
Bridgewater (2 locations) Irvington (1 location) Ruckersville (1 location)
Brightwood (1 location) Kenbridge (1 location) Rural Retreat (1 location)
Bristol (4 locations) Keswick (2 locations) Rustburg (4 locations)
Brookneal (1 location) King George (2 locations) Salem (7 locations)
Buena Vista (2 locations) King William (1 location) Saluda (1 location)
Buffalo Junction (1 location) La Crosse (1 location) Sandston (3 locations)
Bumpass (2 locations) Lancaster (1 location) Sandy Hook (1 location)
Burke (3 locations) Leesburg (2 locations) Schuyler (1 location)
Callao (1 location) Lexington (2 locations) Scottsville (1 location)
Carrsville (1 location) Lignum (1 location) Sedley (1 location)
Catawba (2 locations) Linden (1 location) Shipman (1 location)
Cedar Bluff (1 location) Locust Grove (1 location) Smithfield (3 locations)
Centreville (6 locations) Lorton (11 locations) South Boston (1 location)
Chantilly (10 locations) Louisa (2 locations) South Chesterfield (5 locations)
Charles City (2 locations) Lovingston (1 location) Spotsylvania (5 locations)
Charlottesville (12 locations) Luray (2 locations) Spring Grove (1 location)
Chase City (1 location) Madison (2 locations) Stafford (11 locations)
Chatham (1 location) Madison Heights (1 location) Stanley (1 location)
Chester (6 locations) Manakin Sabot (2 locations) Staunton (6 locations)
Chesterfield (12 locations) Manassas Park (3 locations) Stephens City (2 locations)
Christiansburg (2 locations) Marion (1 location) Sterling (10 locations)
Church Road (1 location) Markham (1 location) Stuart (1 location)
Clarksville (2 locations) Marshall (2 locations) Stuarts Draft (1 location)
Colonial Beach (2 locations) Martinsville (2 locations) Suffolk (6 locations)
Concord (1 location) Mathews (1 location) Sumerduck (2 locations)
Courtland (1 location) Max Meadows (1 location) Sutherland (1 location)
Covington (2 locations) McLean (2 locations) Tabb (1 location)
Crewe (1 location) Mechanicsville (9 locations) Tazewell (2 locations)
Cross Junction (1 location) Meherrin (1 location) Troutville (3 locations)
Crozet (1 location) Merrifield (1 location) Troy (1 location)
Culpeper (7 locations) Middletown (2 locations) Unionville (1 location)
Damascus (1 location) Midlothian (10 locations) Vienna (4 locations)
Danville (5 locations) Mineral (2 locations) Vinton (4 locations)
Dayton (3 locations) Monterey (1 location) Virgilina (1 location)
Deltaville (1 location) Montpelier (2 locations) Warfield (1 location)
Dewitt (2 locations) Moseley (1 location) Warrenton (2 locations)
Dillwyn (2 locations) Mount Crawford (1 location) Warsaw (1 location)
Dinwiddie (1 location) Mount Sidney (2 locations) Waverly (2 locations)
Earlysville (1 location) Mount Solon (1 location) Waynesboro (4 locations)
Edinburg (2 locations) Nathalie (2 locations) Weyers Cave (5 locations)
Elkton (3 locations) Natural Bridge (1 location) White Post (1 location)
Evington (1 location) Naturl Br Sta (1 location) White Stone (2 locations)
Exmore (2 locations) New Market (1 location) Williamsburg (7 locations)
Fairfax (12 locations) Ninde (1 location) Wirtz (1 location)
Fairfax Station (2 locations) Nokesville (4 locations) Wise (2 locations)
Falls Church (8 locations) North Dinwiddie (3 locations) Woodlawn (2 locations)
Farmville (2 locations) Oakton (1 location) Woodstock (1 location)
Fincastle (1 location) Orange (2 locations) Wytheville (5 locations)
Fishersville (1 location) Paeonian Springs (1 location) Yorktown (5 locations)
Floyd (4 locations) Palmyra (1 location) Zuni (1 location)
Forest (2 locations) Pamplin (1 location)
Franklin (1 location) Partlow (1 location)
Virginia Roofing Contractors by County:
Albemarle County (10) Lunenburg County (1)
Amelia County (1) Madison County (5)
Amherst County (1) Mathews County (1)
Appomattox County (1) Mecklenburg County (6)
Arlington County (3) Middlesex County (2)
Augusta County (10) Montgomery County (5)
Bedford County (8) Nelson County (5)
Botetourt County (4) Northampton County (2)
Brunswick County (1) Northumberland County (2)
Buckingham County (3) Nottoway County (2)
Campbell County (8) Orange County (5)
Carroll County (2) Page County (4)
Chesterfield County (49) Patrick County (1)
Clarke County (4) Pittsylvania County (1)
Culpeper County (8) Powhatan County (3)
Dinwiddie County (5) Prince Edward County (3)
Fairfax County (109) Prince William County (65)
Fauquier County (9) Richmond County (1)
Floyd County (4) Roanoke County (9)
Fluvanna County (3) Rockbridge County (2)
Franklin County (5) Rockingham County (11)
Frederick County (18) Russell County (2)
Gloucester County (5) Scott County (2)
Goochland County (4) Shenandoah County (5)
Grayson County (1) Smyth County (1)
Greene County (1) Southampton County (2)
Halifax County (6) Spotsylvania County (18)
Hanover County (21) Stafford County (22)
Henrico County (29) Surry County (1)
Henry County (2) Sussex County (2)
Highland County (1) Tazewell County (4)
Isle of Wight County (5) Warren County (7)
King George County (3) Washington County (7)
King William County (1) Westmoreland County (2)
Lancaster County (5) Wise County (5)
Loudoun County (17) Wythe County (7)
Louisa County (6) York County (6)

If a Virginia roofing company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

About Virginia Roofing

Virginia's milder climate may not cause as many snow and ice problems as seen in neighboring states, but a waterproof covering remains important to protect homes from external damage. Homeowners may want to partner with a roofer to ensure preventative maintenance is carried out early in order to save time and money.

Virginia Climate

Virginia has a mild, humid coastal climate with temperatures increasingly cooler as you move west and into higher altitudes. In Richmond, the state capital, temperatures range from just above freezing (36 degrees) in January to the high 70s in July. Precipitation is fairly consistent, with Richmond averaging around 44 inches a year and Norfolk a few inches more. Snowfall is also lighter in Norfolk (8 inches) compared to Richmond's 15 inches.

Virginia Licensing Of Roofing Contractors

The state of Virginia requires contractors to have one of three types of licenses, depending on the value of the contracts they fulfill. To get a license, one employee or manager of the company must pass an exam. Virginia offers a website to verify whether a contractor is licensed by the state, or consumers may call (804) 367-8511.

Legal Issues And Complaints

Consumer complaints should be addressed to the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, Compliance and Investigations Division. Its mission is "to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public by licensing qualified individuals and businesses and enforcing standards of professional conduct for professions and occupations as designated by statute." The department provides a series of brochures on its website including: What You Should Know Before Hiring A Contractor, What Seniors Should Know Before Hiring a Contractor and Ten Tips for Making Sure a Contractor Measures Up.

Unusual Roofs In Virginia

The Dulles Airport, completed in 1962 and designed by Finnish architect Eero Saarinen, has a swooping roof that gives the impression of flight -- a fitting theme for the Washington, DC, air terminal. The five-sided Pentagon at Arlington -- which houses the federal government's Department of Defense -- with its reinforced concrete blocks and slate roof provides an unforgettable and unique building recognized around the world.