Consumer Reviews of Amerimax gutter guards
57% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2010-10-04
Location: Riverside, CA
Satisfaction Rating:
"Stop Cloging Your Gutters, Install Guards"
I bought these about 6 months ago at the local Home Depot. I was just tired of having to clean the gutters every week. We love our trees around our house so I don't want to cut them down. So I bought the Amerimax gutter guard. I liked how easy it was to install on my house without any special tools. I installed them around my house in about a day. After a week or two I got up on the ladder and just hosed off the filters. They were doing the job but there was a issue that happened a couple months after I got them. I noticed that they will bow and flex in the summer heat. I live in California so we have the sun all the time. It gets plain hot out here sometimes. So after trying to fix them over and over by nailing them down, I decided just to get another brand that was made out of metal. I would say that these are good gutter guards but I wouldn't use them in very hot areas. Would I say buy theses, not unless you live in Canada.
Date created: 2010-09-29
Name: Greg
Location: Philadelphia, NJ
Satisfaction Rating:
"They help alot"
Ive ovned my gutter gaurds for around two years know and they are working very great. I love them because they stop all of the leaves from getting into my gutters. Instead of having to clean your gutters all the time and not getting any success, i got a gutter gaurd and it is really helping my gutters flooding all the time and i eventually had to pay someont to do it. I saved my self a fortune for getting gutter gaurds. They have paid for themselves and more. i would love to reccomend this to anyone i know. i have never had to repair anything on my gutter gaurd ever and i hope it stays that way. I hope everyone becomes as smart as me and gets a gutter gaurd.