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Consumer Reviews of Dura-Loc shingles

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Date created: 2023-07-16 Name: Stephen Rossi
Location: San Ramon, CA
Model: Shake

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

"Really bad"
The "sand" finish has continued to wash off for years now. The red primer coat is showing though in most areas. very poor! 50 year? what a joke!

Date created: 2021-05-27 Name: John Chyurlia
Location: Ottawa Canada

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

Since the roof was installed it's been shedding the pebbles covering and clogging the eaves. Now it's rusting and loosing its color. But the biggest issue with it is that it's a rough surface and for this part of the world it's totally unacceptable the Snow builds up on the rough surface and does not slide off till the weather warms up then Big amounts of ice fall on to first floor sub roof causing big dents. Also because of this on the north side of the roof the snow builds up on the first floor portion right up to the second floor Windows causing the snow that is building up on the siding to melt and infiltrate down the wall through the ceiling in the rooms below. Had to repair that ceiling almost every year. The reason I'm writing this now and not 15 years or earlier is because I got the roof done for free by DuraLock as s promotion for the filming of a tv show. Called Don't Move Inproove

Date created: 2021-04-28 Name: Joe
Location: Ontario, Canada

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

"Dura Loc Sued in Canadian Court"
I sued the hell out of both the installer as well as Dura Loc to the tune of $400K. 5 years in and out of court, but it was worth it for me! Not so good for Allan Reid the owner of Dura Loc, nor New Steel Roofers the install company in Hamilton, Ontario. My claim in Superior Court of Justice against: New steel Roofers - poor installation Dura Loc - granulars not properly adhered to metal surface Allan Reid wanted $400 for roof inspection when I initially complained about the mastic resin running down the surface of the roof. LOL he got hit with the bulk of the $400k court decision which included my court costs!

Date created: 2020-09-15 Name: Mcclement
Location: Fordwich, Ontario
Model: Continental

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

Stay far far away from this company and product. My nice black roof now an ugly brown and my 50 year warranty is as worthless as....

Date created: 2020-08-17 Name: Tracey
Location: Florida

Satisfaction Rating:

2 of 5 stars Somewhat Unsatisfied

"About to purchase a home with a Dura Loc roof need info"
We found a home we love close to the beach in Florida. Upon inspection we discovered the roof is having all the issues stated within this discussion, granulars run off, filling up gutters, rust under the tiles. The roof was installed in 2007. We need to discuss this with the owner and we know they will be very surprised to discover their 50 year warranty is no good. I want to make sure when I present the issues to them I'm clear and factual. Can some one please refer me to any info regarding past class action suits, documentation or a resource who can give me the info I need to present to the owner so I can work with them? Thank you.

Date created: 2019-04-29 Name: Andrew
Location: Anaheim, CA

Satisfaction Rating:

3 of 5 stars Neutral

"Class Action"
I just received this new info on the class action. It appears there is a settlement... It is a settlement but i am afraid the $3k cap is not even close to cover the cost of a re-roof. But, up to 3k is better than nothing i suppose.

Date created: 2019-02-26 Name: Doris
Location: Fleming

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

"Poor Shingles"
Our church had these shingles put on. We have been calling for 4 years that we got bad shingles and got the run around. They did not seal! First we didn't give them time to seal. Now 4 years later finally about a month a go we will send someone to look at them on Thursday no show then it was next week. Next week has never came. We had a big wind storm and now the shingles are scattered every where. We are in a jam, and don't have the money to replace the shingles. So please beware they wouldn't even honor the quarter to a church.

Date created: 2018-08-02 Name: Marcel Rosen
Location: Boynton Beach, FL

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

"Granule coming off after cleaning"
We have recently completed a roof cleaning at a community in Delray Beach FL. After the cleaning the association sent me complaints that the granule is coming off the roof. I never had a similar incident in the 31 years we have been cleaning roofs. We used a formula that is recommended by the manufacturer, we did not use pressure cleaning devices and did not walk on the roofs. I later found out that Dura-Loc have a long history were granule is coming off the roof, due to cleaning or not. The association is holding us responsible for the loss of granule and there is nothing wrong we did.

Date created: 2017-10-17 Name: Al
Location: Kalifornia

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

"Coating for Metal Shingles with Granuals Coming Off"
I've been looking for a solution for a while too. Ours is about 10 years old and the south facing shingles are looking bad. We are installing a pool and a solar heater. So we don't want the granules to collect on the pavers and in the pool. I've always been very careful to walk on it and I think they are in great shape. I'm also concerned with installing a $6,000 system on our roof. After doing some research I found a similar product by Decra. They show an acrylic layer, then a base coat, then the chips, then an acrylic over-glaze. Has anyone ever tried acrylic water-based elastomeric coatings or acrylic sealers like: XClear Hard Acrylic Clear Sealer? After online researching, contacting my roofer, and talking to many other roofers I decided to contact Decra who makes a very similar product. I asked to speak to an engineer and was transferred to Ken Sorensen who's title is Marketing Support Representative. He was very knowledgeable about the situation and said it's the acrylic coatings that fail to hold the granules. When they come off it takes off the top layers of paint. All of the base layers should still be in tack and continue to protect the metal for decades. It just looks horrible. He said every steel shingle manufacture struggles with this. The second thing they struggle with is how bad steel roofs are at transferring the heat to the attic. He said they have worked close with a coating manufacture with these issues. They have found a product called NXT Cool Zone developed exclusively by Nutech Paint. They are a proved company who has been coating roofs for over 40 years in Austrailia who has been doing these types of roofs for a long time. The NXT Cool Zone is a reflective coating system that includes a lower pressure cleaning to get rid of dirt, dust, loose material, bacteria, and mold. It also includes a primer coating and two coatings of the NXT Cool Zone. You can add granules into the primer to help add the to the 3D look. They offer a 12 year warranty. Ken gave me the phone number to the distributor in Southern California: (714)860-8195-Nick There are a couple of certified installers in Florida and in Arizona that I found. After calling Nick he quoted me $5,300 to complete my roof which is approximately 2,600 sqft. I decided to go with him and am very happy. During the install we agreed that most customers move before the 12 year warranty is up but he said if you plan on living in the house long term consider coating your roof every 10-15 years like to do when you paint your house. It's just coming into winter so I can't tell how well it works at keeping my house cool.

Date created: 2017-04-11 Name: Bennett on the River
Location: Ohio
Model: Continental Terra Cotta

Satisfaction Rating:

1 of 5 stars Very Unsatisfied

"Massive loss of granules"
We installed about 46 squares of this Dura Loc in the Continental profile with a Terra Cotta color in 2002. We can confirm that the material we have installed has a steel core which was dipped in galvalume, then coated both sides with Kynar. These treatments were done while the steel was still in its coil (flat) form. It was then bent to shape after which time they sprayed a clear acrylic layer on each tile and embedded the granules. When new it look great. We had problems initially with the installer and when I tried to engage Dura Loc at the time (2002) for technical assistance I ran into the now infamous Alan Reid as well as a fast talker named Frank Underhill. We knew then that we would be on our own and that the Dura Loc company was a worthless piece of .... We then rode the installer like crazy to make sure everything was fastened and sealed and then we crossed our fingers. We were fine until about 2012 when the granules began to come off. Now, on the southern exposure where we get heavy sun we found accumulated granules almost 3" deep in the gutters. So we are in the same boat as the others on this blog. Now in 2017 we have many areas where the underlying base paint (Kynar) is exposed. It is Terra Cotta also so unless you know what you are looking for you might walk right past it. There are a few areas where workers have walked the roof and scratched the Kynar which exposes the galvalum. Not galvanized, Galvalum. Here is a link to help you understand what Galvalum is as opposed to plain galvanized... When we find damage we have the worker touch it up with cold zinc spray and dab it with an acrylic latex house paint in a color closely matching the Kynar base coat. Knowing we are screwed, and there is no relief from these scumbags, our plan is to maintain the roof as long as we can before re-coating it. When we have to re-coat this roof we will have it power washed (1,000-1,200 PSI max). We will then have a painter spray an appropriately colored acrylic latex base coat; and while it is wet we will have him broadcast 3M ceramic granules into it. These granules are called "color quartz" and have been used for years in epoxy floors with success. We believe it will be necessary to lock the granules in and we are looking into a clear acrylic spray that we can use for this purpose. (top coat) Our plan is to do a mockup first to determine if the system will perform optimally as explained or whether we need to tweak the procedures. We believe the trick will be to do the base coat application while the roof is cool and in the shade so that there will be enough time to broadcast the granules into a wet base coat. Obviously if it dries the granules will not adhere. If we can find a way to spray the granules wet in an acrylic slurry (hopper gun) we may have an alternate scenario that will also work. No matter what we do, this will be expensive. It is an experiment that we should never have had to do and the only satisfaction to come from this is that if and when we are able to document a remedial plan that we can share it with others in the hope it will help their situation.

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