Consumer Reviews of FVG solar panels
100% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2010-09-27
Name: Mayur Chandak
Location: Maharashtra, India
Satisfaction Rating:
"Solar panel which brought revolution in my life."
I am living in the part of Maharashtra (India) where power is rarely available and not more than 12 hours a day. But fortunately, India lies in sunny regions of the world and the area where I live receive 5-8 kWh of solar radiation per square meter a day. My basic source of income comes from working on computer. It was very difficult for me to work with such power cut. So I installed two FVG 50P solar panels on my terrace with an inverter system 2 years ago. They provide 50W of power in average. It was very helpful to me as they provide power to my computer almost whole day, so my working time increased by 50% which in turn increased my income by 50%. The best part of my solar panel is that they do not require any type of maintenance and also provides power on cloudy day. I never found any problem in the solar panes till date and I hope they will work excellently up to next 10 years. I am very happy with these solar panels. I suggested these models to 2 of my friends from which one installed it like mine.