Consumer Reviews of Thermo Technologies solar panels
50% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2011-08-27
Name: Lefty
Location: yRJiafjv
Satisfaction Rating:
"informative articles"
There is a critical shortage of informative articles like this.
Date created: 2011-05-02
Location: Kennebunk, ME
Satisfaction Rating:
"Solar is the way to go"
We had 40 evacuated tubes installed in 2009 and have just finished our second winter with them. They're spectacular! We had a few days in January and February where it was around 10 degrees outside and yet our panels were reading 180 degrees. We've gotten over 3000 hours of peak usage out of them according to the meter and have noticed our heating bill adjust as a result. Our primary heating source is a wood pellet furnace (with an oil furnace as a backup). Prior to installing the panels, we were going through about four 40 lb bags of pellets per day on the coldest winter days. Since installing the panels, we have never put more than three bags in the hopper on any given day. In the summers, our oil furnace hardly ever comes on (we go through about a tank of oil per year).