Consumer Reviews of Yingli Solar solar panels
100% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2010-12-09
Location: Orlando, FL
Satisfaction Rating:
"Yingli YL225P-29b is a solid choice."
I really like my new solar panels. They are Yingli Solar YL-225P-29b 225 Watt 20 Volt Nominal. I've had them since the summer, and they really seem to do the trick. They're pretty cost effective, having been produced cheaply. They're also simple enough that I was able to put them in with some basic electric knowledge a little advice, and a book. They seem to grab around 14% efficiency, which is a bit better than stated. Because I live in a tropical climate, I don't need a ton of electricity, but if I did, these babies would do the trick. They were pretty affordable, which is important when you consider the cost of you battery bank. At least for me, the viability of the whole system is called into question by the high initial cost, so it really helps to be able to get different pieces of the solar energy system at a reasonable cost. I find that these solar panels are pretty durable and robust, as well. Yingli has a good warranty program, so they stand behind the product. I feel good with these on my roof. I've only had to some simple adjustments, no repairs, and I have recommended them to friends.